the tiger tameing continues progress is good
Posted by stocky on March 10, 2009
The day has turned to absolute shite with the weather man predicting snow down to 500 meters
Ive been getting “scaredy cat” more and more confident and have managed to coax her inside hopefully for the night
I’ve left her in the lounge with the “Fuzzer” and brought in the basket that she has been sleeping in from the porch it will have her smells in it so hopefully she will experience the warmth and comfort and realise the best place is inside on a night like this
You can tell that shes a “wildling” shes just sooo skitty around people but very confident of running up and playing with fuzz bucket
In the next couple of days Ill get her confidence up that I wont be of any harm to her
Fuzzy just came into my room and had a wee sqeak so maybe the wee one is stressin’ out a bit and he’s getting nervous I’ll see if he settles it may be too much too soon for the wee one
I left newspaper on the floor near the door so hopefully any “accidents” will be done there
It’s been a buzz enticeing her in and building up a bonding between us
Fuzzy just came back and led me out to the back door to show me that “Cheeky” wanted in from the storm
The wee fur people look after each other, “scaredy cat” is still handeling it [just]
I’ll ignore them and hope to find a happy situation in the morning, all four cats bunked down in the lounge mmmmm therre could be fur flying should some one try to sleep in the wrong spot especialy with the Ginga hes a “take no crap from kittens type of guy”
Hardcase how that if the cat is brought up alone he will prefer to be alone but if they are raised as a group they get the whole pride thing going on with Ginga in the posistion as pack leader then fuzzy then the cheekster and now young scaredy cat is finding a niche
Now Fuzzy has shown up with scaredy in tow doing the “I’ll show you the rest of the house tour”
The wee buggers are in behind the entertainment staion pulling on the play station wires, and now cheeks has turned up to see what the noise is looks like it will be a long night
Might just have a cone sit back and watch the entertainment of it all better than TV thats for sure
Sod the weather no riding the Motto Beasty today or for the next few days by the looks of it
I was hopeing to go over to the west coast for the wild food festival at the weekend but not if the weather stays as it is at the mo
Its always a great ride through the Arthurs Pass and the scenery is freaking amazing
I’ve been overseas to a few places but I gotta tell we have it hands down for DRAMATIC scenery and the diversity of the landscape from subtropical rain forests of the west coast to the almost desert like conditions of the Makensie basin and central otago’s blue lakes to snow covered alps [I KNOW!!! SNOW COVERED ALPS not just ya run of the mill garden variety mountains any ol’ country can have them] all within a few hours ride of each other
Its great to live in such an amazing place [Sod this I’m starting to sound like a freaking tree hugger ‘stead of the crusty old biker haha]
Im looking forward to giving the Motto Beasty a good run and she will be ready for her next service by the time I get back home
Then if winter looks like staying in I take the beasty over to my storage shed and park her up its dryer and warmer than the garage
Or do as I used to years ago with the Harley and put an electric blanket over her and hook it up to a 10amp fuse box so it will kick out at the slightest sign of a fault
I’ve had a few houses where I kept the bike in side but I cant get it into the lounge with this place so she’s in the garage
Just remembered i’vre got an old colum oil heater downstairs Ill get it out to the garage in the morning and take the chill off her I’ll toss a couple of woolen blankets over her too
sound a little obcessive, well the way i see it I’ve got over $24k of motor cycle in the shed it should at least be well treated, if not obcessed over, cared for, loved, appreciated, you know all the things your girl friend wants you to feel for her, but you can’t because she’s not a motorcycle and never will be
You can see why I’m a batchelor haha
No I’ll tell you why I’m a batchelor, its because I’m going through a very “it’s all about me” stage in my life at the moment
I’m middle aged have endured relationships both long and short and can no longer be bothered with haveing to try and compromise what i want to do because someone else has a different plan
Fuck it bottom line is i’m running outta time I’ve got so much left to do on my “bucket” list theres no room for luggage or a hand brake
I’ve got a great best mate who i have been doing all my traveling with lately, shes the best chick ive known in years shes only 24yrs old and has a beauty that just “shines” so it’s way cool for my image
She has her good head on her shoulders and is very straight talking I like that in anybody but its so refreshing to find a strong woman confident enough to speak her mind
shes also very good at organising so she keeps all the travel schedules and departure times and that sort of stuff sorted to a “T”
Well thats enough bloggin’ for today I’m hitting the bunk the “CAT-aclysms” have settled down
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