danger stock on road

Just another Blogtown NZ weblog

the tiger tameing continues progress is good

Posted by stocky on March 10, 2009

The day has turned to absolute shite with the weather man predicting snow down to 500 meters

Ive been getting “scaredy cat” more and more confident and have managed to coax her inside hopefully for the night

I’ve left her in the lounge with the “Fuzzer” and brought in the basket that she has been sleeping in from the porch it will have her smells in it so hopefully she will experience the warmth and comfort and realise the  best place is inside on a night like this

You can tell that shes a “wildling” shes just sooo skitty around people but very confident of running up and playing with fuzz bucket

In the next couple of days Ill get her confidence up that I wont be of any harm to her

Fuzzy just came into my room and had a wee sqeak so maybe the wee one is stressin’ out a bit and he’s getting nervous I’ll see if he settles it may be too much too soon for the wee one

I left newspaper on the floor near the door so hopefully any “accidents” will be done there

It’s been a buzz enticeing her in and building up a bonding between us

Fuzzy just came back and led me out to the back door to show me that “Cheeky” wanted in from the storm

The wee fur people look after each other, “scaredy cat” is still handeling it [just]

I’ll ignore them and hope to find a happy situation in the morning, all four cats bunked down in the lounge mmmmm therre could be fur flying should some one try to sleep in the wrong spot especialy with the Ginga hes a “take no crap from kittens type of guy”

Hardcase how that if the cat is brought up alone he will prefer to be alone but if they are raised as a group they get the whole pride thing going on with Ginga in the posistion as pack leader then fuzzy then the cheekster and now young scaredy cat is finding a niche

Now Fuzzy has shown up with scaredy in tow doing the “I’ll show you the rest of the house tour”

The wee buggers are in behind the entertainment staion pulling on the play station wires, and now cheeks has turned up to see what the noise is looks like it will be a long night

Might just have a cone sit back and watch the entertainment of it all better than TV thats for sure

Sod the weather no riding the Motto Beasty today or for the next few days by the looks of it

I was hopeing to go over to the west coast for the wild food festival at the weekend but not if the weather stays as it is at the mo

Its always a great ride through the Arthurs Pass and the scenery is freaking amazing

I’ve been overseas to a few places but I gotta tell we have it hands down for DRAMATIC scenery and the diversity of the landscape from subtropical rain forests of the west coast  to the almost desert like conditions of the Makensie basin and central otago’s blue lakes to snow covered alps [I KNOW!!! SNOW COVERED ALPS not just ya run of the mill garden variety mountains any ol’ country can have them] all within a few hours ride of each other

Its great to live in such an amazing place [Sod this I’m starting to sound like a freaking tree hugger ‘stead of the crusty old biker haha]

Im looking forward to giving the Motto Beasty a good run and she will be ready for her next service by the  time I get back home

Then if winter looks like staying in I take the beasty over to my storage shed and park her up its dryer and warmer than the garage

Or do as I used to years ago with the Harley and put an electric blanket over her and hook it up to a 10amp fuse box so it will kick out at the slightest sign of a fault

I’ve had a few houses where I kept the bike in side but I cant get it into the lounge with this place so she’s in the garage

Just remembered i’vre got an old colum oil heater downstairs Ill get it out to the garage in the morning and take the chill off her I’ll toss a couple of woolen blankets over her too

sound a little obcessive, well the way i see it I’ve got over $24k of motor cycle in the shed it should at least be well treated, if not obcessed over, cared for, loved, appreciated, you know all the things your girl friend wants you to feel for her, but you can’t because she’s not a motorcycle and never will be

You can see why I’m a batchelor haha

No I’ll tell you why I’m a batchelor, its because I’m going through a very “it’s all about me” stage in my life at the moment

I’m middle aged have endured relationships both long and short and can no longer be bothered with haveing to try and compromise what i want to do because someone else has a different plan

Fuck it bottom line is i’m running outta time I’ve got so much left to do on my “bucket” list theres no room for  luggage or a hand brake

I’ve got a great best mate who i have been doing all my traveling with lately, shes the best chick ive known in years shes only 24yrs old and has a beauty that just “shines” so it’s way cool for my image

She has her good head on her shoulders and is very straight talking I like that in anybody but its so refreshing to find a strong woman confident enough to speak her mind

shes also very good at organising so she keeps all the travel schedules and departure times and that sort of stuff sorted to a “T”

Well thats enough bloggin’ for today I’m hitting the bunk the “CAT-aclysms” have settled down

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tameing the tiger

Posted by stocky on March 9, 2009

I’ve been off work most of today trying to shake off the crap flu thing that has invaded my body

I think I’ve managed to get most of the rubbish out and should be on the home stretch of recovery

So sitting around feeling miserable gave me an excuse to try and get better aquainted with “scaredy cat”

I got an old boot lace and did the feline version of fly fishing

It took about an hour of carefull movement teaseing her closer and closer untill I managed to grab her

She paniced of course so I only held her briefly

Still it’s a begining and she did the usual cat thing by coming back within a minute to play with the boot lace again

I can now entice her in with the bootlace and give her a quick pat or touch before she jumps away

Now though she is more confident and bounds straight back to play again

So we’ve got a wee game going where I try to touch her and she “bats” my hand away

all “paws and no claws” so she’s not threatend by my hand she sees it as part of the game

I’ve just been playing with her some more and gave her some fresh veal as a treat before shutting her out for the night

She’s still too wary to have the door closed when she is inside the house but she will brave it as long as she can duck back out

Fuzzy has been watching the proceedings with interest, and when she sees him she gets very confident and the tail goes straight up like a furr periscope, so you can tell she already see him as her protector

It’s a buzz just watching thier interactions and body language etc

My number one cat the “Ginga” is highly dissapointed with it as he sees it as HIS house being invaded and  another little “food hoover” to compete with, still he’s taken each new arrival better than the last, possibly coming to realise the food is still there for him

I have to call him “shorty” [short memory] and remind him he was a guest in this house at the start, he gives me that distainfull look that only a cat can do so i know he understands every bloody word I say

I love how cats have so much expresion in their faces and especialy some of the “Looks” they can throw at you

Ginga has even taught me some of his body language and we have  three or four  different signals for him to get his requests across

If he wants food he will come over and roll on his back and do “Twistys”, If he gets bored with the same food too often or just wants something different than whats in the dish he will stretch right up off the floor on his hind legss and gently tug on your jeans back pocket with his front paws

He’s the one who has taught ME  these signs so theres an inteligence beyound just instinct operating in his wee furry head

Fuzzy has a different sign for wanting food he does the “Lassie” thing where he gets your attention then takes you to the bowl [i’m not kidding], however he uses the same signal as the Ginga when he wants something different

Cheeky talks to you with meows and deep growl sounds and she purrs like a diesel truck idleling,  just as loud too

It will be interesting to see what signals “scaredy cat” will train into me should she come out of her shell

It will take time but she’s well on the way to making us a part of her family

It’s more like the Tiger Tameing Me [haha]

The wee buggers are good company, good for lowering your stress levels, great to interact with, keep down the rodents, give you heaps of love and all for the low, low price of a bit of food and free lodgeing

and best of all they  bury their poop all good things from my point of view

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Garden tigers and other freinds……

Posted by stocky on March 8, 2009

Green Snot on inside of the helmet visor was the give away

Yup coming down with the flu

This would have to the single biggest risk of being a pot smoker [the risk of a criminal conviction aside]

you “share” the joint with other people

They often have little germ factories diguised as children in their familys

You know the one’s just past the carpet grub stage and old enough to be running around building up their little immune systems by breeding the virus’s in huge amounts and then  giving the virus to any and all sundry who pass within sneeze or goober range

The wee buggers parents don’t notice ’cause the kids “always” got something or another, a cold, a virus, or just tired, its hard to tell untill YOU sneeze

So I’ve battled on with the lurgey over the last couple of days, scratchy throat slight head ache, etc but nothing too bad until this afternoon, then it hit like a ton of bricks

Talk about “power chuck” I was laxing out watching the TV having just beaten a rain shower on the way back into town from the sunday morning blast on Motto beasty [I wounder if that will stand as an excuse for speeding “sorry officer I was trying to beat the rain”]

so there I was TV on something nice and mindless with one of my Garden Tigers [Fuzz Bucket] asleep on my lap and I get the big hot flush thing happening

After the upy chucky majouris I bunked out with the electric blanket on three with another of my garden tigers [cheeky] for a couple of hours

Feeling a lot better now

The garden tigers are good company when you just want to lie quietly

“Back in the old days” I was a dog person, you know the arcitypicl bikey with the “killer pit bull terriers” [the short white English bull terriers not the now more popular american pit bull]

But not any more, Dogs take a lot of respocibility and care to look after, they also require registration and are now governed by so many council by-laws etc and to top it all off you gotta pick up their poop

CATS [or garden tigers as us double hard old biker types like to call them] are so much more easy care and in their own way are loyal and loving just like dogs but without the constant need of re-assurance that all is good

I’ve ended up with a small pride [sic] of garden tigers

I adopted one from a friend who was moving house and could not take her ginger Tom with her, so I was to look after him for a few weeks until she could get better arrangements but as it turned out there is no better arrangement for the cat than my place

He loved it straight away and refused to leave, so he has become my ginger Tom [his name is “GINGA” it was Sebastion but he was sooo embarrased by it we gave him a real name]

a year before my Mum died she was basicaly house bound with age and illness she asked could I find her a kitten, something to give her a little bit of fun and interaction in her life

I said no worries mum what kind of kitten? she says “I want a long haired ginger tom cat”

so no pressure but she was determined that it had to be long haired, ginger, and a boy

Long story short a friend of my best mate had a stray cat give birth to three kittens in the hedge at the rear of her section and low and behold there was [you got it] a long haired, ginger, boy cat

I snabbled the wee guy up stuck him under my jacket and brought him home to Mum [the other two kittens and the stray mum all got homes too so it wuz very touchy feely there for a while]

He was just a bundle of fur with feet an eyes so we ended up calling him “Fuzz Bucket”

He’s a wee stunner he grew up to be a very lean good looking cat, and was mums special wee mate that was very dedicated to her

then about six months ago Fuzzy showed showed up with a ginger/ tabby in tow following his every move and just wouldn’t leave she just bounded straight in an took up residence the cheeky wee thing

so she has adopted us and we call her “cheeky” for obvious reasons

a week ago now Fuzzy turns up home with another kitten in tow, again totaly in love with him and following his every move with fasination

I said to him “whats the story mate?” Its the price you have to pay when you’re handsom I guess

Now we have this new wee one hanging around

She’s very scared of humans and wont allow us to get close to her at the moment but is hanging around and sleeping on the back porch in a basket with some old wollen blankets in it

She has the blueist eyes that I’ve ever seen on a cat other than in books

at the moment we are calling her “Scaredy cat” because she is so timid you cant approach her with out her bolting off but then stopping just out of reach

I’m starting to think theres a sign outside the house that says “Soft touch all kittens welcome”

well its getting late work comes around early so I’ll get back into my bunk

Still feeling like shite but with luck it will be burnt out by the morning

Then Back on the road Yahoooooooo


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Yeah Baby!!!

Posted by stocky on March 4, 2009

You guesssed it

the sun is out the roads are dry and I’m that guy on the red beast passing everything in sight

When i got home from work I could hear her calling from the garage [The car lives on the street you know how it goes, she dont like it but as I’ve often said “it’s like having a fat missus and a skinny girl friend”, you always treat the skinny girl better]

Anyway I could hear “take me out and ride me stocky”

I’d been thinking of it since I got up this morning and saw that it was a sunny day

See? thats why I say it’s an addiction, you get up in the morning and the first thing you want to know is the road conditions, like a surfer hopeing for a off shore breeze with a 8 ft curl, like a runner looking for that endorphine rush of the secound wind, like the Bee to the flower, like the seagull to the chip, like the solo Mum to the pokie machine, Like the teenager to shortland street, like the grand mother to “Coro”, like the junkie to the poppy, like…. [you know what I mean I’m running outta examples]… it’s an addiction

So heres a thought if it’s an addiction, then in a way it’s an “illness”

Therefor when i’m out on the bike and I’m speeding I’m doing so because I’m addicted I’m sick I can’t “not do it”

So surely then I shouldn’t be given speeding tickets because of diminished responcibility , all you other “addicted” riders will know exactly what I mean, those of you who do not ride, I’m sorry to say you will never know

However I’m sure should you have another type of addiction in your life you can empathize with my situation

“It’s not my fault …Ican’t help it…..I’m SICK

Like to night taking her for  a squirt up the coast to shag point, I’m trying to keep it at 100-110 honest, I’m trying but the problem is that the faster you go the smoother the ride becomes and because [as I’ve explained] cornering is power turned into friction you [sometimes] have to be powering on through the corners so 110 slips up to 120-130, then some how that turns into 140-160,

Don’t ask me how it happens it just does , one minute your doing 130 then you look down and it’s 160 and you panic and start freaking out at every car incase it’s a “nice policeman”, which of course creates stress

Stress on top of an addiction [you can see where I’m going with this] surely this breaches the bill of rights section on the right to travel freely and without “IMPEADMENT” or the section about undue punishment [HAHA]

seriously though folks, it realy is an addiction

I know how it happened, and was instant

the first bike ride I had was as a pillion, I was about 12 or 13, it was a BSA 650 lightning

that’s was it I was hooked from that moment

I’d always like the look and sound of bikes so getting hooked was probly predetermined [life leads you where you need to go]

so we’ve established that I’m an addict, that means I’m sick therefore I should be given a dispensation when caught over the speed limit


In the mean time i’ll keep going hard and stressin’

BEWARE STOCK ON ROAD [yahooooo!!!!]

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Scarfies and other amazing animals

Posted by stocky on February 28, 2009

The “scarfie” in his natural inviroment DUNEDIN

{SCARFIE a term originating in Dunedin in the late 1960’s to describe a Otago University student due to the fashion of the day being a very long scarf worn with several turns around the neck}

Though it may have migrated from as far north, as the far north, speak several different languages from several diferent north island towns and dress from the local OP’ shops or go totaly up market shop from the Sally’z  the “Scarfie” for all intents and purposes is a Dunedinite for 9 months of each year of the five most formative years of it’s young adulthood

DUNEDIN with its  coming of age challenges like the “Cook-athon” [and this has nothing to do with the kitchen, for the uninitiated the captain cook or the COOK is a local hotel with a vast history say no more, nudge,nudge, wink know wot I mean??? ] the thursday afternoon smoke a splif protests [recently infiltrated by undercover police, good to know your tax dollars are being spent in the big crime areas] and [one of my personal favourites], the freezing winters, the hills that seem steeper than they were yesterday, and the general drink-athon mayhem each thursday through saturday nights

and this years big one [so far] is the main street toga riot as it has become known

The local residents however as I myself have mixed feelings when it gets out of hand and fires are lit in the streets and Togas are splattered wth fece etc

What nerks us everyday folk the most is that even “IF” these guys get put through the court system for their behaviour its slap on the hand with a wet bus ticket for them

BUT totaly different consequence should a bunch of our local lads get out of hand at a party or too many get together at beach bonfire, or start a wet T-shirt challage by throwing cold water on the nearest girl in a T-shirt [it’s tittie time again…]

This is why we both love and hate our “scarfie” That colourful diverse character who comes in and treats our town like his toilet

We love that he brings with him vast amounts of cash to lubricate the wheels of comerce in our fiscaly frozen part of NZ

He rents a house that you couldn’t get a family of fleeing refugee cock roach  to consider living in and pays exorbatant rents, he keeps burger bars, fish and chip shops, the golden arches, kfc and the local pot dealers in business[haha] not to mention the entire infrastructure that is the university, so the imput can be measured in the tens of millions

Dunedin would be DEADEDIN with out the anuaul scarfie migration, and the entertainment they provide at the local rugby/ cricket matches couldnt be brought for bucks of the mega variety

BUT, theres always a butt, and broken bottles and discarded bodily fluids in funny scrunched up rubber things, stacks of rubbish bags left to the roaming packs of dogs gambling their eyes and limbs with the ferral cats for territory

no its not so bad as all that, the cats and dogs worked out their territory long ago [haha]

The situation has become worse over the last five years before that there was always parties etc but nothing that turned into a riot, there was waste but not piled up so high the council has to put two rubbish runs per week through the area to keep it seemly, somethings changed

There has become a them and us attitude slipping into the mix

We understand some if not all of the fun, hell I even enjoy a lot of it

But if you’re going to use the town as a toilet the least you could do is flush before you leave

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Posted by stocky on February 26, 2009

MMMMMMmmmmm going fast

Dont you just love going fast??

what is it in humans that makes going fast fun??

Lets face it our bodies are not made to take any impact above 7 or 8kmph our average running speed

we are soft on the outside and the skeleton we have breaks with as little as 14lb impact per square inch [3kg per square centimeter in the new speak us old buggers still think in the imperial]

Our flesh is easily torn

But day after day we indulge in activiyies that could rip/ tear/grind/snap/dismember our bodies and do so a lot of the time voluntarily

With glee and abandon

Infact we push ourselves to extreme limits just to be able to boast about the extreme limit that we just achieved before going straight away and trying for a even more extreme situation

I was out on the beasty last night and at extreme speed pulling extreme revs you guessed it a [woman] car decided that turning right was to coincide with my over taking the vehicle

LADIES PLEASE the mirrors are for seeing behind you not adjusting your hair or touching up your lippy

OK I’ll take some of the responcibility in that I was going a bit quicker than the traffic around me [160kmph in a 100 zone]

But come on guys share the road look for that bike “KNOW” that he is going faster than the other traffic [dont be jealous it’s the way it is]

signal early, check your mirrors, it’s not rocket science!!!

I’ll say this “Only me and the guy that duz my laundry will know how scared I was in that moment” and the upholestry chap says he can get the pucker out of the seat

Motto Guzzi have thoughtfully predicted this sort of situation and produced the machine with VERY VERY good brakes [Brembo two pot calipers on 11inch disk front and same on a smaller disk rear with anti-lock just like in newer model cars

What the heck no one got hurt I’m still here blogging along

And above all not a scatch on the “MOTTO BEASTY” haha

Funny us bike riders will do almost anything to stop getting a scatch on the machine even at the risk of self harm

So here I am about to fire up the “Beast” and go for another ride, a quick brush with death just makes you feel more alive

So guys remember LOOK FOR THE BIKE  it may be some one you’ve blogged

Danger STOCK on road Yahoo!!!!!!!!!

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Sunshine and horse power

Posted by stocky on February 25, 2009

OH yeah the sun is shining and the roads are dry

I’ve just finished work, have got the tea prep’ done all I hve to do is cook it

I got the ‘beasty out and spanked her up over the 3 mile [both ways]

There’s something addictive about horse power

The feel of the motor delivering the tourqe to the road, that almost flying but not quite thrill of leaning over so far that the only thing keeping you there is tourqe and friction

The power of the engine forcing the friction between tyre and road surface to adhere you at such speed and inclination would take a rocket scientist a entire black board to explain

But there you are “Cranked  over”, with the whole “ZEN” thing going on, at one with the machine, feeling the road more than seeing it, apart of the bike as though you are siamese twins joined at the hip

If she starts to walk out you lay over further and give her more power, you can feel the tyre on the edge of slippin’ as you go for another gear, the touqe changes and your out onto the straight now thats EXCITING

Man i don’t care what any one says that beats both sex and drugs [ I know I’ve had both {sometings at the same time}  BOREING!!!!!] haha

So tonight straight after tea I’m back on the Beasty, I may go for a quick run up the coast toward Oamaru there’s a lay-by about 20km south of there that has a great view of the beach back down to shag point and north toward Moeraki

It’s a good place for stretch before riding home, the journey time is less than an hour each way, with some good road, hopefully the nice policeman is at home having his tea and I can give her a stretch.

It’s the main highway so you can’t go too wild as theres always traffic, so you dont want to push much more than around 140kmph, but still alot of fun as you pass everyone except more dedicated riders or the odd maniac in a sports/ performance  car

It’s always fun when you get some one who going faster and passes you and then match their speed staying two or three hundred meters behind them and let him find the policeman for you

Yahoo Stock on road again

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Sunshine and lolipops

Posted by stocky on February 24, 2009

Well the University students had a Toga party that turned into a mini riot last nite with quite a lot of sensless damage done to innocent peoples property

This sort of thing happeans here each year with the orientation parties that are set up to welcome new students to the campus

thats all good, What gets to me is how little is done to control or stop it

if even a small nimber of guys show up some where on motor bikes to have a party or what ever the cops do thier level best to shut the party down

But its ok for 2,000 students to run amok for half the night smashing bottles and peoples property [car and shop windows] up ending rubbish tins trough a five kilometer stretch of the city with only 8 people arrested for “Minor” breaches of the law how PATHETIC

Again an example of the double standards that society puts on people

These students are to be the future doctors and lawyers etc of our country this is a fine way to start an illustriuos carrer in say LAW helping uphold peace and civil order in our court system

What a CROCK

I hope that the poor old street cleaners got given a bonus in reckognition of the extra work they had to do before in order to clean up town before the two cruise liners that are due in port today discharged a couple of thousand tourists into our town

All apart of living in a city where the university is the main source of revenue

The good news to come is that the weather is improving and my Motto Beasty is looking forward to be taken out and spanked up around the windy hill roads that surround my town


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SOD THE RAIN [again]

Posted by stocky on February 24, 2009

You got it guys it’s still pissin’ down

I had a good day at work, my employee worked hard in the  rain and I dodged out and did the “paper work”

The joy’s of being the boss I guess

I let him knock off an hour early and i’ll pay him right through so that shows him that I appreciate his effort

I’ve got the tea on and cooking, sausages in brown onion gravey tonite withe fresh spuds out of the garden

No motorcycling again due to the weather

I was having a laugh at the “Three Strikes You’re OUT” policy

Man we have no room in the prisons now how will it bee if you’ve got a couple of thousnd inmates doing 25yrs before consideration for release???

Theres people getting 17yr minimum parole periods for murdering kids for fuck sake

At that rate it would be easier to kill than to be caught, kill all the witnesses it wont make a difference to your lag

You’re going to end up with prisons full of inmates on maximum security, last I heard it takes about $50,000.oo a year to have a prisoner on “maxi”

so you would end up with a couple of thousand inmates costing $50,000.oo a year to keep for 25 years “MINIMUM” just off the top of my head thas into the $10’s of millions

Thats not counting normal offenders like Blue chip C E O’s or accountants and lawyers etc who only offend once but do jail time, and your average “crim” who is operating in the revolving door prison system that is operating now

What happens when these guy’s finaly are releasd??? how many friends and family have stuck by him for in excess off 25yrs in the prison system???

Dont get me wrong I dont have the answers but I can tell what is not the solution

There are state in the US with the death penalty for some violent crimes as well as murder, 50 year mandatory sentences for drug and gun possesion yet people are still dying from rape and murder, drug dealers still carry fire arms to protect themselves

The harshness of a sentence rarely if ever enters the mind of someone when they are in a rage bashing the missus or the kid

In my experience only hardened offenders think of the “time involved” should they be apprehended for a crime

With the prevelance of “P” in our society now there’s a good chance the “offender” is that “brain fried” they dont know what they are doing let alone the consequences to come from those actions

society wont help itself and admitt to the role alcohol plays in a lot of violent offending either

Violent offending under the influence of alcohol has been around since the discovery of alcohol

The worse thing is that a lot of the violence from drunk offenders is to the family, for every drunken pub fight there has to be at least 3 acts of domestic violence either physical or verbal

But because of the massive tax take from GST etc the goverment is reluctant to catagrrise alcohol as the class A drug that it in reality it is

The police should be fighting the alcohol traders [dealers of death and misery] as much as they chase Heroin and methamphetimine

How many people are killed each year as a direct result of overdoseing on alcohol? how many die on the roads as a direct result of alcohol? how many people are murdered by someone under the influence of alcohol?

You dont have to be a rocket scientist to see that “Threatening” someone with 25 years is going to slow down people with a propencity to violence while under the influence of voilence inducing drugs

Eradicating the violence inducing drugs should be the emphasis

Prison will not make a man less violent, in fact the man has to become voilent in order to “hold his own” among the other inmates, to not himself become a victom, so the most violent men in society just become the most violent men in prison

Then they are released, back to the streets where they can walk into a shop and purchase a drug that has a propencity to make you violent, or talk to a dude on the corner near the shop who can “Hook you up Bro”

To stop this happening you have to change the mans mind set. the things he learned in childhood.

as I said I havn’t got the answers I’m just blown away by how the so called brains of our country will change anything with three strikes you’re out  except cost the tax payer more and make the corrections department the biggest growing industry in the country

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Sunshine and dry roads

Posted by stocky on February 24, 2009

You guest it the sun has come out and dried the roads, Yahooo!!

Traffic was a bit thick but Imanaged to weave my way around, theres a lot to be said for quiet sunday mornings

I read about the hospitals coughing up and admitting that thier errors have been killing people in todays paper

What I couldn’t find was where anybody had been charged with negligenence over any of these “mishaps”

If I have a mishap at work O.S.H. get invovled and if i’m found to be at fault I’m Fined in the least if not taken to court over the matter

I’m not knocking the doctors I’m just pointing out the double standards

Most of the times that i’ve smashed off my bike the doctors and nurses have been great and the ambulance staff awesome

They do great work these guys and the ambo staff are hero’s everyone of them

They get paid far to little and are expected to do far too much, thats why the mistakes happen

Subject change;

I had some friends over to tea tonight I cooked Paua it turned out not too bad, well everyone finished thier plates off and said it was nice so here’s the reciepe

Stocky’s paua chips

Slice paua thinly in chip shapes

Place on a plate and return to the refridgerator untill the next day [24 hours if poss but 18 is ok]

then after this time the paua will be raedy this keps the meat from goig tough when you cook it

Mix the paua in a bowl with two eggs

in another  bowl mix flour ,chilli powder, a pinch of colemans mustard, and master foods seasoning [ bar b q, african, or cajun] to suit taste

mix the egged paua with the seasoned flour

Cook in hot rice bran oil or butter to suit tastes

Eat when toasty brown

I like to have a tomato salsa with them to freshen your mouth during the meal it gives you a break fron the paua and is a taste explosion because of the difference in flavours

Subject change:

The weather is looking good for the next couple of days so with luck I’ll get a ride in after tea tomorrow

it will be something to look forward to at work

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