danger stock on road

Just another Blogtown NZ weblog

The long weekend

Posted by stocky on October 25, 2009

Public holidays rock
Three day weekend so motor cycling was done
Jumped my Moto beasty and took her up to Cromwell to see some friends for the day
The temp was in the 20’s with only one shower of rain on the way home
It was like a tropical storm the drops were the size of grapes and we’re talking the big fat Californian green grapes
The high tech riding gear I wear kept me dry and I’m glad I no longer wear leather riding clothes
The same down pour in leather would have been not nice and then to get dry you have to stop and air everything out or just ride on and let the wind blow you dry but that can get real cold real quick
You just gotta love technology when it benefits you like that
So I pulled 450kms in a day and got some good top end speeds 180 in places
The only time I saw the “nice policeman” I was going slow enough to not be ticketed
A couple of times Ive been “snapped” above the limit and either the cop has had his radar switched off or there’s that little signal rebound because I present a very small profile “head on” that the radar has failed to lock on
still I dont want to go blasting past one at 140 only to find he can “lock on”
My bike is getting “looser” and I’m learning more how she likes to be ridden, so she’s getting more fuel effient, I got 220kms on $20.oo averageing 110-125 with bursts up to 140 passing cars etc with quite a lot of twisting road so she was up and down through the gears as well as the straighter roads out through the Taeri plains where it was steady throttle 6th gear boredom
A great day by all respects
Yesterday was just the usual “putting” around visiting friends and helping a my best mate plant out her vege garden and mow the lawns so she could have a lazy day laying around the house today
And of course today it rained all day wouldn’t you know it the extra day you get is rubbish, its as though the weather man is against you having any fun
Thats why I’m out riding every chance I get
My mate with the 1100 Suzuki had a bummer of a weekend he had his daughter over to stay and she dislikes bikes so wont go out on it
He was stuck at home watching the great weather untill today when it of course pissed down so he was a sad puppy
I told him I had fun for him but that went down like a lead ballon haha
Good times safe [fast] riding getting to see your friends it dont come much better
“Every one above ground is a good one”
Danger Stock on Road

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