danger stock on road

Just another Blogtown NZ weblog

the Napier incident

Posted by stocky on May 9, 2009

The idiot up in Napier who shot dead the policeman and wounded a civilian and two more cops

Man what a shock that was to hear about

Now I don’t usually  like the “friendly” policeman even on a good day, mostly ’cause he’s always giving me speeding tickets and trying to bust my stash, you could say that we have “issues” but to shoot a man down over a “pot” bust is fucking ridiculous

Having had a couple of my friends murdered I know what the friends of the policeman must be going through, It’s different than a bike smash or an illness taking someone they are accidents of life but being murdered is deliberate

And if it was as the media has stated, just because the police were searching his house for a little pot thats crazy in the extreme

Come on get real “Pot” is currently against the law in this country [right or wrong] thats the way it is, so if you’re going to break the law then you have to take whatever consequence comes of your actions.

You can fight it through the courts, call the policeman nasty names but at the end of the day YOU chose to break the law

I’m not saying you should roll over and take a shafting in ones exhaust port from the friendly Mr Plod but you still got to show the man the respect you show any adversary and the respect you show any other human being

I’ve met some total arsehole cops in my life’s adventures but as I said I put myself into the situation that had the “nice” policeman in my face for whatever it was at the time [theres been various hilarious adventures I’ll relate in a future blogg ]

Theres been a few “police shootings” where I thought that the cop has gone over board and used too much force, when other means seemed available [I’ve fired hand guns and am a reasonable shot so i find it hard to fathom why you cannot shoot a mans legs out from under him, given the time to take a proper aim]

But the bastard in Napier deserves one in the head, in a way I hope that that it was a cop that got to “take him out” it will help them to deal with it better

This will possibly be the start of our police force being openly armed as are Australian, American, European, Asian and nearly every other police force in the world

Having been in Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia where the police openly carry machine guns it is a very different feeling when you are dealing with them, even if it is only to ask directions or where you can hook up some decent Pot [haha some of those Asian cops are so bent, but that’s yet another blogg]

So a very sad situation in NZ at the moment

subject change

winter is upon us not good for us crusty old bikers, so I’ve not had a ride all week, I can hear Motto Beasty calling me, hopefully tomorrow will be fine even if it’s cold, a mate has just brought himself a Harley Sportster I think its a 1200cc but I’ll know for sure tomorow when i go over and have a look at it, His younger brotherr has a 1200 Sportster as well so we may get out for a ride

Danger Stock on Road [yeah baby] yahoooo

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