danger stock on road

Just another Blogtown NZ weblog

sunny day, sea food chowder, frozen nuts

Posted by stocky on May 2, 2009

Another “Fun-tastic” day in the great south

The day has been sunshine and lollipops but freaking cold

I took a blast on the Motto Beasty up to Lawrence for a bowl of the sea food chowder at thhe “Coffee Mine” cafe’ that I love so much I’ll ride 200km to get it [100km there and 100km back]

The temperature through the Manuka gorge was down to +2 so by the time the wind chill factor is put into the equation it’s brass monkey weather [cold enough to freeze the iron cannon balls off of the “brass monkey” frame that held them in place ready for loading] and my balls were just as cold I reckon

I took it easy although there was no actual ice on the road there was a bit off fine grit from where they had gritted the ice earlier in the day and the road was wet in the shaded corners

The woman that owns the Cafe’ [“The Coffee Mine”] is nice, very chatty and the amount of people who just like myself  travel km’s just for the chowder is quite surprising

while I was there today she had some [looked to be] Japanese people who live in Dunedin and take friends and family through to Queenstown quite regularly always stop in and give their guests the experience of the chowder

Now in my mind that speaks volumes of the quality of the food because in my experience the Asian people and in particular the japanese are very fussy about the freshness of the ingredients and taste of thier food especialy the sea food, they are literaly experts as they eat so much of it in their natural diet

So freezing cold but a great ride all the same

I was going to take my best mate with me but she has a new boyfriend so I didnt want to invade their space

She’s known him for quite awhile but they’ve just started dateing so they will be wanting to spend time together and as she went to the “Pink Floyd Experience” with me Wednesday nite it would be rude of me too steal her away for a bike ride on the weekend the only time they have all day together

He seems like a nice guy and it has definately put her in a very bubbly mood for the last few weeks.

I hope it works out for her as her last “boy friend” almost broke her heart the “wanker’, this guy is a bit older so I’m sure that he appreciates that he has a great girl

I’m hoping for another good day tomorrow but the forecast is looking a little shitty so it may be just a bath day and back in the garage for the Beasty

subject change;

I collect old New Zealand paper money [pounds and early decimal notes]as a hobbie/ investment and have a very modest collection

there’s a couple of notes out there that are like the “holy grail”,  in the pounds stirling they are notes signed by the chief cashier “Le Feaux’ in 1934-36

Theres a 50 pound “Le Feaux” listed on Trade Me for $20,000.oo

I’m hanging out to just go into the bank on Monday and strap up a 20k loan thats how much I would like to have this particular note in my collection, its one of only 80 known to be in “circulation” and they are nearly all in the hands of proffesional money collectors

Things must be tight as this particular proffesional money collector is trying to unload this note

It has a few blemishes and folds with a small scrawl written in indelible pencil in the lower bottom left margin on the reverse side but is still possibly worth 20-25k a almost mint note of this series is valued at around $40,000.oo

The dearest note in my personal collection is only $2,500.oo but I have a dream to have a top of the line “Le Feaux” and as I already have reasonable example of the “le feaux” 10 shilling 1 pound and five pound notes the only one I’ve not managed to obtain is the 50 pound as for obvious reasons they don’t come up for auction often

What a bugger, Im not sure that I want to go into that much debt though with the economy being so volitile and having just had the wee scare at work with the contract being under review

But this is the only one I’ve seen for auction [ever], so far there has been no bids on it so i’ll sit and watch I may get to make a offer should it not reach its reserve

“Cheeky Kity” has jumped onto my knee to mooch some attention and is now standing infront of the monitor saying “look at mee-ow”

She’s such a smoochy cat

Thats it for tonight the cat wins shes now chasing my fingers on the key board and stealing my pens to get attention so Ill blog off

Danger STOCK on road  [weather permitting]

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A good night out

Posted by stocky on April 30, 2009

Got seriously bent last night and went to the “Pink Floyd Experience” concert in town with my best mate

It started out a bit slow but by the secound half the “brain food” started to peak and it was a great night out

Not a bad show at all, I never got to a real “Floyd” concert so I cannot compare it to one but the music that was played last night was “raw” enough for you to know it was “live” but so professional that it could well have been “the Floyd”

earlier in the day i went into the bike shop and ordered the ferring for “Motto Beasty”

I was talking to the mechanic and he has put me onto a race day to be held at the levels raceway near Timaru in a couple of weeks he was saying that i will be able to get some coaching on how better to ride my machine, then get to go onto the track and try out the coaching tips knowing that theres no traffic coming the other way if you drift wide coming out of a corner and that I can get different “grades” of coaching and then when on the track I’m riding with other guys of the same “grade”

so I’ve chosen to have a go at the medium skilled grade with passing on the outside of the track on straights only, again that way if I drift wide I figure I wont push some poor bugger out passing me in the corner of the track

I’ve ridden in some good sized packs on club runs, toy runs, poker runs, funerals and stuff and some times at high speeds but in a run you keep your place, its a run not a race is the saying

So you know if you get outta shape the guys around you will keep their position, you dont have to worry about some one coming around you, a lot of the time you are riding two abreast 3 meters from the bike in front of you at 140kmph but [surpriseingly] its a safe way of riding

theres a rythm to it, as the “pack” comes up on a vehicle the guys on the inside slow slightly and drop back and right coming into the 3 meter gap between the machines on his outside then single file pass the vehicle then throttle on slightly and drop back into position two abreast again

remember this is all done at 140kmph [most times, sometimes faster or slower] which is an ideal cruiseing speed on a “Big Block” Harley Davidson, its absolute magic when you’re doing it

But that was the old Stock now I ride a motto Guzzi sport bike its about racing so ‘best I learn how to race from the guys who actualy do it under a controlled enviroment [see what happens when you get old you get all logical and shit, I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not haha]

So I’m looking forward to it and hopeing for a good weather window on the day, it’s only $60.oo so I figure if it helps to keep me upright and smiling its 60 bucks well spent

I’ll also get the opportunity to “Gun” the beasty and not have to worry about the “nice policeman” and his radar nasty piece of works that he is [yeah I know he’s a nessacary  EVIL]

Danger STOCK on ROAD

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Just Life

Posted by stocky on April 28, 2009

Well “Scaredy Cat’ has been sayed and has had her stitches removed today

She took it really well

They’re amazingly tough creatures the common garden tiger

I’m squirming around suffering with the back having “slipped” out again yet Scaredy had her entire uterus removed and she was horseing around playiung hard ouit with “Fuzz Bucket’ the very next day as though nothing had happened “double hard” wee critter

The weather has held out well and I’ve managed to get the “Guzzi” out and about most days so its been “Danger Stock on Road’

The tyres are made of a sft compound suitable for racing so they I have worn a flat area on the back tyre already

When I get the next one I’ll go for a wet weather profile with a bit more tread pattern this one is great on dry road but scary in the wet

the bike has a short wheel base so it can get “squirly’ real quick once it starts to cut loose

I prefer something a little more sedate and predictable [call me old, a soft cock, whatever I dont care I’m still alive and riding]

I can ride better than some but not as good as others so I like to keep within my limitations, close to the end of them where its exciting but under control

I’m looking at getting a “bikini” ferring for the “beasty” just to break the wind off my chest and make her a bit more unique [different from standard]

I’ve got a little money set aside for it so i’ll sort it with the next service, I was going to be a cheap bugger and go direct to the franchise holder but then I thought its not that much extra to go through my service agent and that way it puts a little money in his pocket as well, after all I want him to be in business in order to do my serviceing as and when I need him to, I’ll get my tyres through him as well

I had a buzz when out the other night riding along the coast south of town out to Brighton with a amazingly clear night, no wind , glass flat sea and a huge orange moon coming up

It was one of those moments when you notice just how beautifull this world realy is, one of those moments when you take the time to apreciate whats around you, that you are often too busy looking inward to notice

Life has settled down for now on the work front and I’m feeling appreciated in my efforts again.

work shouldn’t [but often is] be about  just the wages

doing the best job you can do and being appreciated and having your efforts reckonised is a big part of it [for me]

I always try to let my employee know i’ve noticed he’s done well when he uses a bit of initiative

Like today he cleaned out the toilet and wash basin area in the ablutions block which is a job that I normaly do so I was quite impressed as its not the nicest of jobs

He’s earned his bonus this month haha

Its good to have a guy work for you who thinks as a team member

Well tomorrow arrives early so I’ll “Blog Off”

‘I owe I owe so it’s off to work I go’ [sung to the tune of the seven dwarves]

Danger Stock on Road

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“We Have Contract”

Posted by stocky on April 17, 2009

Well the week was long and stressfull not knowing what the go was with the situation at work

Long story short is that my “Boss” at Rail went to the wall for me and sorted the issue

Hopefully things are back to normal with us having explained the possitives that they get for their money

Just goes to show that someone in a office miles away from the situation can look at a bottom line cost as the be all and end all and not understand that you get what you pay for

“you pay cheap, you get cheap”

So huge sigh of relief

the guy guy who works for me is breatheing a little easier too as he has a wife and a couple of kids to worry about

I’m lucky in that  I’m single

Subject change;

Scaredy Cat has just been spayed, it’s amazing how tough these wee kittens are, if I’d just been sliced wide open i’d be resting up, but with Scaredy I’m having to make sure she cant go outside or run around, it’s as though nothing has happened

Man that’s tough

She’s become a member of the “Pride” and has sorted her place in the food line [right up the front haha] for being the smallest in the house she is very pushy with the other cats at the tucker bowl

The other guys know that the food is regular but she is still in that wild mode where you fiercely protect your food source

The weather has been good so i’ve had a bit of riding in

But last night I put my lower back out stepping out of the shower, man it hurts, the next couple of days will be agony and frustration

Such is life at least I can feel the pain it can always be worse than it is and there’s [always] some poor bugger that deserves your sympathy more than you do

I’m going to stretch out for awhile

No Danger Stock OFF the Road [haha] [ouch]

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No Contract !!!!

Posted by stocky on April 12, 2009

“Fuck me Drunk”

Life is full of change the best thing you can do is learn to adapt to the change in circumstance as quickly as possible

The only “constant” is that “everything changes” [Taoist saying]

Last Thursday I found out that my contract to Rail has come under review and I may well lose it to a competitor

I’ll know better the middle of next week I’m guessing

So as a contractor I have no come back, If I were an employee I could argue that the money Ive saved them over the last three years compared to the last repairers work can be measured in the hundreds of thousands of dollars over the period I’ve been doing the work

Nor can I argue that my repairs being of a standard that there has been less “down time” per wagon and that this year was the first year in the last four years that there has been no wagons off track as the repairs I’ve been performing are done in such a way that the wagons no longer sustain the damage that has been re-occurring in the same areas of impact

bottom line is the almighty “Dollar”

I do a better job, but accordingly I’m a little more expensive [you get what you pay for] than the competiton

The IRONY of the situation is the cotractor they are now offering the work to is the same cotractor  that  Rail originaly “head hunted” my business to take over from

His repairs were substandard his turn around times were too long and he billed for work he had not completed were the reasons given to me at the time

Rail saw that the problem was the business and went around him and paid more for my services knowing they were getting a better deal in the long run

NOW that I’ve got it all up and running like clock-work Rail find me too expencive and will get this other business to “COPY” my repairs and do it cheaper

as I said being a contractor I hav’nt a leg to stand on and now must find other work or go onto the dole

No holiday pay, No redundancy, No reference, not even acknowledgement of my work as a way of recomendation to another contract

So being self employed is Good when everything “flows” but when the “Shit interfaces with the air conditioning” you better duck

What gets me the most is that Rail havn’t approached me in order to see if we can bring my costs down or change the billing system or whatever. The bastards just get the other contractor to start quoting the work

I’ll know more as to whats happening tommorrow

To say i’m gutted is an understatement, I’m also insulted by the lack of “respect” shown by not approaching me with the problem before seeking another contractor

So Life go’s on and I’ll have to adapt as quick as possible

Hopefully theres work out there for a “crusty old biker”

I’ll take “Motto Beasty” out this afternoon and see if I can have a bit of stress releif

Danger Stock on Road Yahoooooooooo yippy yip Yahooooooooooooo

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There’s no moment clearer….

Posted by stocky on April 4, 2009

There is no clearer moment in your life than the moment straight after you look death in the eye and walk away

had a very EXCITING couple of secounds while out on “Motto Beasty”  this afternoon

I was cruising around a twisty little piece of road that traverses the Otago peninsular along the top of the hills when i encounted a patch of gravel

she was sides ways then straight then sideways then straight and then a wee shimmy and through the corner

I’d like to be able to say how i did all these fancy arse riding manouvers you hear guys talk about but the truth is I was on auto pilot and just “rode it out”

It was over in secounds [just like sex but without the argument over the wet spot]

years of riding obviously ment that I reacted to the situation and before I registered what to do I’d done it and was still up right but with that heart stopping adrenilin hit giving you the “rush” that comes with the close ones

came about as close to coming off as you can without actualy hitting the deck

A very sobering moment [even though i dont drink]

i went up to Lawrence to the drag racing that the local car club had organized

Not a bad event considering they are just local guys trying to get some high speeds and low times

They had a few cars from Dunedin, Gore, and invercargil running as well, so it was good to see the support

The best on the day [up ’til I left anyway] was a “T” bucket Foed with a big block “V-eight” and blower pulling a 11.9 sec 400 meters

Not a bad time

My last harley was a 1340cc Police Special that had more tricks done to it than a magicians top hat and the best time I ever got at the drag strip was 11.9  that was at the last bike drags to be held at Thunder Park in Hastings before it was turned into a Kiwi fruit orchad

I ran her a few times at the Drags the local car club put on in Motueka and managed some respectable low 12’s but only ever once cracked the magical 11 mark

I always did what we bikers call “Ride ‘n’ Race” you ride to the event race then [hopefully] ride home

So the times I pulled were the exact same times I could get on the road when the nice policeman wasn’t looking [haha]

I never lowered the tyre pressure or upped the fuel octane as i was’nt so much interested in being the fastest bike there I was more about how fast “MY” bike would go

There always someone faster

I used to say to people that I had the “secound fastest” Harley in Nelson as theres always someone ready to tell you his bike is faster [haha]

STOCK on Road YAHOOOOOOOooooooooooo

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Every day above ground is a good one

Posted by stocky on March 26, 2009

Another week has rolled on by

I’ve managed to take out the motto beasty each night after work

Cracked her up the three mile the other night pulling 140+ out of the last bend and onto the straight down into wakari and near run in to the “nice policeman” with his speed trap but luckily he had already pulled over some poor “boy racer” in a skyline so he was’nt too worried about me

Just love the stopping power of this bike the 1100cc 4-stroke V-twin has heaps of engine breaking in it’s self  but the “brembro” brakes are the “Shnizzel”

From 140+ to 100 in “Fuck there’s a cop” [haha]

I’m hanging for good weather over the weekend for another run up Cromwell way

I’ll check tommorrow and see that my friends will be home so I have a place to stay then come on home on the sunday

The situation with “scaredy cat” is going well and now she will put up with me combing her while she eats from the food bowl but still wont allow me to approach her otherwise

I’m getting her used to being combed right from the start “Fuzz Bucket” loves the comb, he even looks for it so you can comb him or if you pick it up he jumps up on the chair and purss like a Mack truck while you comb the bits of twig and “biddy biddy’s” out of his long hair

Scaredy is more “Fur” than hair like the “Fuzz man”

Her fur is full olf “Knotz ‘n’ Dredz” you can tell shes a wildling

I’ll have to bite the bullet soon and get her to the vets to be spayed

young “cheeky” came in tonight hard out squinting her right eye, it looks as though she has had something poke it I’ll check in the morning and see if it’s still annoying her

it never ends with the wee fur people they’re always in the wars

Man the cat food bill has gone up with the addition of “scaredy’s” appetite for a tiny kitty she can bulk it away

Tax [business] is upon us again and I’m worried that I may have made too much profit and will end up with a huge tax bill

I’ve got the money in my accounts to cover it but in business [in NZ] you pay “provisional Tax” the only country in the world I know of where you pay tax before you earn the money

This system encourages you to avoid making a profit

So I’ve re-newed some hand tools for work and purchased more “plant” hydraulic rams, hydraulic, jacks, another drill and grinder things like that

so it’s good in that we have better tools to work with but negative in the respect of the “buffer” I had saved up is to be used up or taxed

don’t get me wrong I do pay taxes I’m just trying to make work a better place for my employee and myself and be able to do the work

better that than to struggle on thinking I wish i just had a “porta power” ram to press this in a bit or that sort of scenario

I’m going shopping again tomorrow this time for safety gear and I’ll upgrade the first aid kit and fire extiguishers as well, I’ll give one of the old ones to my worker for in his car or home and i’ll keep the other one for in my car

You cant ever have enough safety gear

I’ve got a stock take to do as well, I guess the best way to look at it atleast I have all these things going on in my life I could be totaly stuffed in a wheel chair or worse have no work and be dirt poor struggling by on the dole

life is great


Danger STOCK on Road

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Sea food chowder and other elastic snappers

Posted by stocky on March 22, 2009

So the weather hasn’t been too bad there’s been motorcycling invovled ALL is good

I went up to c Cromwell with my friend on Saturday stayed the night in Roxburgh then home on Sunday

No work today as its Otago anniversary day so I’m at home this morning catching up with the “paper work” [Nah not stoning up REAL paper work haha]

So anyway on the way up to Cromwell we stopped in at Lawrence to have a bite  to eat and found this great wee cafe’ called “Cafe’ Mine”

They serve the single most amazing seafood chowder that I’ve had in absolute years the recipe is a closely gaurded secret apparently the lady who owns the Cafe’ informed us that she had developed it over several different reciepes and had made it gluten free [this is particualy good for my mate as she is glutten intolerant]

Years ago when living in Nelson I would atleast once a week go for a ride to Mapua [20mins on the Harley] in the Tasman bays and  frequent a small restaurant on the old Mapua wharf

Their sea food chowder was to “die for” and I was well known to use it as an aphrodisiac by taking a “friend” to lunch and encouraging her to “have the chowder”

I’m not sure what it was, being the chowder alone or the combination of the sea food with the ride on the Harley but it seemed to work

It’s hard case, one time a mate who was looking for me and went to my “brother” [bikie speak for closeist friend]  who said “It’s Wednesday afternoon He’ll be at “Mapua seafood” with some girly on his bike then He’ll go up to the top of the Takaka hills for a ride” [talk about predictable but what the hey if it works  why not????]

So as you can imagine I thought the sea food chowder was like the “holy grail” of horny tucker

Well long story [even longer haha] is that the sea food chowder at the Cafe’ in Lawrence beats the Mapua fare hands down

I’m in no way trying to detract from the Mapua guys at all their chowder rocks the knickers off of chicks, but the the meal I had on Saturday and  on the way home on Sunday was the single most amazing sea food chowder I’ve had to this day in my life

So guys if you’re travelin the road through Lawrence [in central Otago] and you would like to experience a true cullinary delight, GO to the Cafe’ Mine I’m sure you will not be dissapointed [and the prices are very reasonable at under $20.00 each including hot chocalete for Tracey and long black for me]

So now I have a new [knicker] “elastic snapper” I’ll have to start looking for unsuspecting girls haha

Danger STOCK on road Yahooooo

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Swedish hitch hikers and road rage

Posted by stocky on March 16, 2009

So I got to the Wild Food festival in hokitika

I chickened out and took the car because I had to be back home for work on Sunday morning and the weather loooked “iffy”

that way when I get real tired i can stop and sleep in  the car, If I took the bike i wouldve stayed over night at a mates place

It was a good day I left home @ 3am and got into Hoki’ at 10, i stopped and snoozed for a hour on the way in a layby

Its hard work driving those hours straight through you’ve got to have regular stops where you get out of the car and have a stretch and breathe the fresh air

The scenery as usual was pretty amazing

On the way back home i picked up two Swedish chicks who were hitching outta Haast, Turns out they were to take the bus but slept in due to the see you later party from the night before haha

They’re loving NZ having started up north in Raglan and moved their way down the north then over to Nelson and on to the coast

They were way friendly and said how open and welcoming they had found us KIWI’s to be which was a buzz to hear

It’s good to know people not only admire the country they admire the people in the country

they both spoke very good english but also spoke to each other in their native Swedish

I dont know ’bout you other guys but European chicks sound SOOOO sexy when they talk, its that guttural throaty almost husky voice that just sends shivers up the back of your neck

WOOF WOOF!!!!!!!!!

So I dropped them off in Wanaka with a promise that they would call me when they get to Dunedin so I can show them around my town

Being seen with them will do my image heaps, and as I’ve said before “IMAGE IS EVERYTHING”

Then after work on Sunday I [stupidly] embarrassed myself by getting involved in a “road rage’ situation with some young hard arse bastard in a car while out on the motto beasty with my best mate on the back

I’m too old for that shit

I can only put it down to that I’m trying to lower the levels of pain killers that I take each day and must be stressing with the withdrawls

The situation was instigated by me yelling abuse at a car in front of me when they failed to move off at the green light signal

and when they did a young prick on the passengers side lent out the window yelling abuse back and fl;ipping me “the bone”

That was it I saw RED+++++++++

Totaly lost the plot, charged up the outside of the car kicking the wing mirror off on the way past and then continued the situation by getting off my bike at the next intersection and asking him “what the fuck was his problem”??????

HAHA I was the problem having instigated the situation in the first place

So as I said I’m a bit embarrassed over the whole incident, and possibly very lucky the youg bugger didnt give me a kicking for my troubles

I’m sure he would’ve been hard work being that I’m cracking 50 and unfit when  he is 20 and very angry with youthfull energy on his side

And having trained in martial arts for several years I know how fit you have to be to fight for any period of time past two or three punches

Which brings me to why I’m so embarrassed about the incident

I trained in classical “long fist” KUNG FU for several years in my early to mid twentys

I can DEFEND myself efficiantly [usualy]

But with all my training and discepline I lost the plot and “STARTED” a fight [not that it came to anything more than a little shoving]

I KNOW BETTER than to be going around being a dickhead and yet here i was being a DICK in the first degree

So I apologize world I’ll try to be more controlled in the future

I’ve got plenty of work on at the moment so when I got home today I was knackered, having only had a day off and in that day pulling 1300kms plus the food festival etc

I didnt go for a ride tonight as I dropped off to sleep after tea while watching the 6 ‘clock news, waking up at 830 feeling like shit as my neck was all crimped over at a bad angle as happens when you go to sleep sitting up

So I’ve done some invoiceing and watched a little TV

the garden Tiger training is comeing along well and scaredy cat is getting bolder as the days go by

life is good with sunshine  predicted for the weather tommorrow, and we all know what that means

STOCK on ROAD Yahooooooooo

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OUCH man that hurts !!!!!!!

Posted by stocky on March 11, 2009

The PAIN is excruciating

Two days ago I aggravated an old neck/ shoulder injury that I’ve been carrying  for 15 odd yrs

Not fun I can tell ya

The original injury was the classic “superman” face plant, while I was working on a deep sea trawler I’ve suffered with pain and restricted movement since

What the hell I’m lucky to be walking so even when the pain realy starts to get me I try to remind myself that at least I can “FEEL”

So thats everyday that I’m in pain from the original injury then like the other day I do something that aggravates it back to as painfull as the day that It first happened

Its nerve pain so it feels like you are being stabbed with a hot knife and no matter what you do you cannot get away from it

Of course the doctors have had me on pain killers since the accident but no matter how good the effect I’m still in pain so instead of “upping” the dosage levels I just take a regular small amount of the perscribed pain killers

The doctors originaly kept increasing the dosages but the drugs but I just got all fucked up and couldnt get life done

I’ve learnt to reduce the dose and be able to funtion and have a job and a life like normal people instead of being drugged up and useless

I’ve found that smokeing pot helps a lot, it’s one of the best things I’ve found to stop the “NAG” of the pain

It’s not like the Codiene the Doc’s have me on in that it masks the pain by “dulling” your sences it seems to just allow you to think of other things rather that focusing on the pain

Don’t ask me how it happens I just call it as I see it

Its not like you have a “toke” and magicaly the pain is no longer there, It’s more like the pain is no longer important

You know its there, you can however “compartmentalise it” and lock it away while you concentrate on more important things such as getting along with your life

Pot also helps intensify sensations, so it helps intensify the effect of the Codiene that the doctors say I will have to take for the rest of my life

But on days like today when the injury has been aggravated, “NOTHING” helps

Ive had twice my normal codiene prescribed dosage and I’m onto my fifth “cone” and not a spit of relief

It didn’t help that I’ve still got three nore days of heavy lifting to complete the job we are doing at work that aggravated the injury in the first place

My employee is doing all the work he can on his own but theres a couple of stages in the job where we both have to be into the heavy lift

I have a small business repairing Transport “Curtains”, used to enable access to the load deck from the side of the vehicle, commonly known as “Curtain siders”

They get damage during the loading/ unlaoding process and or if the load shifts, also they wear out through use

So I’m in a “Niche” industry

Ive been very lucky in that I have a real good employee, He’s steady and reliable, the two most important things you can have in a worker

He’s also a good young bugger, good humour and easy to get along with so that also helps and as it’s only the two of us we have to be able to get along in order to get the job done

It’s not like in a factory or office or a work gang where if you dont like someone you just avoid them and keep the peace with the small team you got no choice but to see each other so it’s important that you each like the other guy

Dont get me wrong I’m the boss when we are at work we “Work” I have to make the business operate, so i call the shots and expect my “pound of flesh”

And I work HARD thats how I’ve managed to get where I am today, and have had the oppurtunities to do the exciting things I’ve managed to put into my life like motor cycles, cars and traveling ’round the planet to Europe, Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Ozzie etc

So I’m a hard task master but I give full credit for good effort and the best wages my business can afford

And I give as many perks and bonuses that I can fit in

I’ve worked for some total arses in my working life so when I set up my own business I was determined not to be an arsehole of a boss

But as I say it has to go both ways, you slack around or dont do your work to my high standards then Im just an “ARSEHOLE SURROUNDED BY A MAN” haha

I call it as I see it and I dont care if I hurt your feelings

IF it is what it is, Then it IS what it IS

I’m doing “paper work” at the moment thats our work code for I’m hurting so I’m at home sorting the office or whatever light duties that I can find to sort out

It’s bit “Tounge in cheek” ’cause usualy it means I’m off site having a toke

I’ll head back into the yard in a minute and give me mate a hand to clean up and finish his day a little early to show I appreciate his taking the load

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