danger stock on road

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Great winter weather [so far]

Posted by stocky on 20th July 2011

The weather has only just started to get real cold and we have had snow onto low lying areas in  Southland and up Central Otago in the last couple of weeks

So its not that much fun on the bike [a] it’s a lot colder and [b] they’ve started gritting the roads for ice

I’ve combated the  cold by having hand warmer grips fitted, they’re from a company called Oxford and have 4 heat settings so thats been a big help and also Tracey got me onto a thing called a cozee it’s a liquid filled “sack” with a internal heating element that you plug into the power and heat for 15-20mins then you remove the power cord and slip the “sack” into a pocket in a strap the fits around your tummy and does up with a Velcro strip, the liquid stays hot for 3-4 hours it’s freaking awesome

However the grit is a different situation, it takes the fun outta the game as you’re restricted to either riding on the grit if its still icy which can be exciting but chips the hell outta your paint work and exhaust header pipes or ride in the 600mm wide strip left by the tires of the traffic ahead of you requiring more concentration  etc so it becomes a chore not “fun”

On the work side the brilliant weather [so far] has meant we are well ahead of servicing this years fleet. We now have 75 more containers to go through since they were added to the fleet of 115 that we were already servicing

At the moment milk powder production is having it’s seasonal break so we have to examine every unit in the fleet and get them ready for the next seasons work in a couple of months

Down side is we killed the water blaster today so I’m looking around for a replacement so far it’s looking like somewhere around the 2k mark, thats this months profit sucked up and possibly next months too, thank you Credit Union South for the over draft [“love you longtime hard”]

The Credit Union has been very good to with helping me to bridge funding short falls until my next check arrives and last month we set up a $4k a month for the next 12 months overdraft facility for just this sort of thing

The branch here in Dunedin is like walking into “Cheers” everybody knows your name , it makes you feel not only welcome but also  important

So life is great I’m still riding as much as possible and now have 38,000 kms on the clock





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Yeeow not again!!

Posted by stocky on 23rd April 2011

Put my back out yesterday helping Dad rip an old dying hedge from our back boundary fence

It’s over top of the down hill neighbors 3 meter high retaining wall so I had to climb in amongst the hedge itself then lean out with the chain saw to cut and drop the outer branches and “of course” as soon as I hyper-extended the lower back said “no mate I don’t like this”

Jimmy [my Dad] says “give it here son, I’ll get it you, take it easy on your back”. the old bugger that made me more determined to carry on, an 80 year old man telling you to take it easy “you gotta be kidding me”

It hurts at the time but as long as I don’t  stop I can usually finish the job, when I stop, I cool down and stiffen up and get like I am now, in pain and moving round like someone has shoved a large object up me exhaust pipe

Tracy checked if I wanted to cruise around with her and Brendon yesterday but by that time I was lying on my bunk trying to let it relax

Still as I’ve said before “Getting Old Sucks”

I originally injured my back in 1992’ish so since then I’ve had to be careful not to “pop” it out but do so several times per year anyway, its the stubborn refuse to give in kiwi attitude

This morning’s breakfast was double the normal dose of pain med’s, slap half a tube of deep heat at it and a strong coffee to help the med’s kick in

Thankfully its Easter and I don’t have to return to work until Tuesday so if I take it easy I’ll be right for work

The weather over this easter has been good so far, so hopefully the road toll will stay low

I’ll take the bike out of the garage and get her out from under her blanket, start her up and let the air flow through to take away any condensation that has built up, give her a dust down

I detailed her before putting her away for the suspension period, she’s “humming”, seriously, in the sun, she shimmers, I gave her 3 applications of Turtle wax ICE  polish then put a queen size “minky” style blanket over and tucked her in

My mates have always taken the piss outta me for doing this sort of thing with my motorcycles but I’ve always had good looking reliable machines

I had it out a couple of weeks ago when Tracy and Brendon were over for a coffee and Brendon said he had forgotten how smart she looks not having seen her for a couple of months. That’s a buzz, when people comment on your ride its like a pat on the back, you’ve achieved something, like an artist being recognized for a great painting etc

Ive taken her out of the garage and run her until warm 3 times so far,  that way as I said the condensation is kept at bay. Shes due for a tune up in another 9,000 kms, this one will be the first big one with the rocker boxes taken off and the valve clearances adjusted , so “in theory” she’ll be a little “crisper”

I’ve ordered in a new helmet, this one is a Shark   s900 Fost, its way cool as it has a glow in the dark pattern, according to the blurb it takes 2-3  hours to ‘charge” the fluorescent pattern in the sunlight then it will glow for 8 hours in the dark

Not only looks good but helps you get noticed at night, will look real “Rad” with the neons I’ve got fitted as well, but I’m doing it for the safety, Honest haha, It’s also lighter than the helmet I’ve got now so that will help the neck, just had a thought “I wonder if I can write off the purchase through work as safety equipment?” I’ll have to run that one past the accountant

Just had Fuzz-bucket come in and demand to be brushed the wee bugger, cats are so “it’s all about me” I think its hilarious, also they have “expression” in there faces that reflect their  moods just like us humans so when you tell them to sod off its not all about you they give you the angry look its funny

“Ok I’m coming buddy” he’s making demanding little squeaks now, not like a normal cats meow, more like a loud cheep, must come from being born in a hedge, haha, I got him when he was ’bout 6 weeks old, he’s never had a proper meow like other cats he’s always “cheeped”

I’m going to get mobile before I stiffen up any more from sitting in one position for too long and go sort the bike

Danger [broken old] Stock on Road



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Posted by stocky on 21st April 2011

I’ve been a little blog shy I know but I’ve been flat out

Big news is I’m walking

Long story short the demerits on the ol’ license reached the 100 mark and my license is suspended for three months

I know what you’re thinking caught speeding haha but NO it was the modified number plate

I in my ignorance believed it to be just a fine and because the  ticket it self has no mention of the demerits I incurred two 25 demerit tickets in a month and had 60 still sitting from when I was riding the “Moto Beastie”

I’m yet to be caught speeding on the Kawasaki

I’ve got 4 weeks to go on the 3 month suspension period

I’ve been a good boy and not driven nor taken the bike for a ride

I”ve been walking to and from work each day 3 and a bit kms each way but nearly all flat road only a couple of gentle rises.

Its been murder on my ankle and knee joints, at different stages I’ve had fractures to both ankles my right lower leg and damage to my right knee all on different occasions [what can I say I was an ADHD kid back in the day’s when it was called disruptive in class]

I’d do extreme shit like jumping off the garage roof etc, but in my defense I wasn’t the only kid doing extreme play and a bunch of us [including my younger brother] would “egg” each other on

Then of course later in life the odd “rider error” has hurt

So anyway the walking is hurting the joints but has been good for my weight and breathing [getting old SUCKS]

So up till the start of the suspension in February I had put a little over 31,000kms on the Kawasaki

I’m in love with this bike, its like the buzz of a new girl friend but lasts longer than six weeks

Talk about perform, this machine is a freak, all other machines I’ve had I’ve “tricked” up to get more performance in either the handling or the speed

All I’ve done to the Kawasaki is change her looks to “personalize” her, put gas in the tank and tires

I’ve cracked 270kmph twice and 240-50ish several times but find I enjoy cruising around the 160 mark with bursts to 190ish

The longest run so far was from the top of Takaka hill [nelson bays area] to home here in Dunedin 11 1 and a half hours in one go. I was screaming in pain by the end but no-one hears so thats cool :0

I’ve had a few small “incidents” of the usual motorcycling variety a couple of front end drifts in the wet as well as a couple in the dry had the back tire lose traction @ 140ish in the rain after skipping over a set of rail tracks etc, this machine is so well set up and with the new things I learned from the “twist of the wrist” Kieth Codes how to ride your superbike instructional DVD I’ve taken it all in my stride and no stains in the undies

Having been riding nearly all my life then watching the DVD to be shown my mistakes was a real eye opener, also realizing most of my mates are making the same errors was also enlightening, as that was how I learned to ride by following what I was seeing other people doing only to inherit their bad habits

Who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks the old dog’s just gotta want to learn

On the work front I have picked up the contract to service the sale/lease fleet of decommissioned shipping containers for an national supplier

They had a dedicated yard with 3 employees here in town but found it wasn’t economical for the return they were getting so they down sized and now lease a part of the Container transfer yard where I have my work area

My business was recommended to them by my present contract, so  the  agreement is as long as I keep the 3 day turn round going on my usual work then I can have the space required to carry out the work and access to the forklifts etc

I’m hoping that it will put me in a position to employ another guy part time and give me up to 30 hours a week that I can invoice  personally

this way I can put everything I earn back into the business plus whatever I can after overheads come out for the guys

I’m hoping this will put the business  into the 100k per annum turn over, sounds good I know but take out 15k for gst 70k for wages taxes ACC and other overheads leaves not a lot but it’s a living We’ve not made a profit in 2 years due to the cut backs from the “recession” but work is picking up again and the fingers are crossed this will be a good year

On the family front my Dad is doing really well, the mans a legend, get this we found a little soft rot in the rear veranda  so we’re of to the hardware place buying wood etc he borrows my “porta power” jack from work and in three days while I’m away at work he rips up half of the flooring and replaces it, up and down under the house on small ladders  swearing and cursing etc I said wait for the weekend mate I’ll give you a hand but he’s like “you’ll only get in the way son” if there’s any lifting I’ll let you know

Now consider that he’s 80 years old, he’s a freaking legend

I hope that I’m as active as he is should I get that far

That “cataclysms” are all good Ginga has been fighting with some up and coming younger cats in the ‘hood he’s gotta be 8yrs old if he’s a day time to give it away I reckon, he’s limping a bit but nothing serious

Scaredy cat is getting to be less nervous and will now approach Tracey and Brendon when they come around its only taken a year, but anyone new and shes “gone baby gone” more acceleration than my bike

Fuzz bucket is every bodies friend especially if you pick up his hair brush and offer to brush him

Cheeky is her usual self but has picked up an annoying habit of clawing at the wall paper beside the door when she wants out, its like thanks for the hint but patting on the door doesn’t shred the wall paper “B-arch”

We had a distant cousin from Ireland stay over for a few days on his travels, he had been in South America and was on his way back home to Ireland with NZ as a stop over and last I heard he was also going to stop for a week in Thailand

He has a degree in marine biology and was saving green back turtles on an island up near Venezuela now he is doing a work for food and accommodation thing on our west coast just traveling around the world getting life experience what abuzz

It was good to have another Irish brogue in the house, with Dad being Irish I’ve grown up with it

Well that was my summer , I’m hanging to get back on the ride even though by then it’ll be winter, so I’ll have to pick the days

Life is Great

Every day above ground is a good one

Danger Stock [almost back] on Road



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new bike update

Posted by stocky on 21st September 2010

Well the new bike is well on her way to being fully customised.

I’ve removed the rear fender and tucked the indicators away into the hand recess pockets for the pillion passenger

Ive “shrunk” the number plate down to 160mm x 60mm and tucked it away up under the rear of the machine near the rear shock absorber a $200.oo fine but so far only one “nice policeman” has taken exception to it and the ticket he gave me was a “compliance” so all I had to do was take the bike in with the plate in the official proper place and show them

Next time it will be the fine for sure as they only give you one go at “compliance” Still it’s worth it for the look

I’ve also ghange the color from Black with silver pearl to Black with “Candy burnt Orange” I’ve left the decals and branding off so its straight color

Through a web site in the States called 58cycle.com I sourced LED strip lights [neon blue] and had them fitted above the front wheel under the head light above the  fuel injectors under the fuel tank, under the rear above the suspension and one as my number plate light

She looks hot @ night like the boy racers do to their cars, the number plate light comes on with the ignition but the others have an isolating switch so I can have them on or not as the mood takes As you can see she’s the sexiest Z1000 in NZ

As far as I know she’s the only customized  Z in NZ so thats an advantageThe “NIGHT” mode

Well thats the update I gotta get back to work there’s a container that requires immediate repair

Danger [customized] Stock on Road

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160kmph on the back wheel

Posted by stocky on 24th July 2010

Woof Woof this machine is a total monster.
I was running out of space on a passing lane just south of Oamaru the other day when I had cause to jam her throttle wide at 130kmph in 5th gear.
The bike launched and at the same time lifted the front wheel about 3-400mm off the road
The machine was still under control so I just held it open as the front had stopped coming up and leveled out, she started to track left a little because of the camber of the road but I had overtaken the car by then and she settled the front back down with a wee shimmy, I clicked 6th @ 170 and took it out to 190 then let her wind back down to cruising speed
Thrilling stuff to say the least, I was quite surprised when it popped the front wheel off the road but know that the best thing you can do is not fight it or “chop” off the gas, so it was like “yikes shes on the back wheel, o.k. don’t panic you can do this” and then just went along for the ride [sic]
I’m sure it looked impressive from the point of view of the car that was being overtaken and I hope that “nappy san” will get the stains out of my undies [haha]
“Only I and the man who washes my laundry will truly know how scared I was at that moment”
I wouldn’t set out to do it again but should it happen I know how she handles and to just go with the flow
I put another pucker this morning when a woman and kid stepped out in front of me while I was going into town past the Oval sports grounds
She was too busy talking to her kid and just stepped into my lane I was only going 45-55 as it was busy with people all over the place dropping off sports teams etc
Even so I would estimate I left 15mtrs of skid mark on the road and when I screech to a halt and say “fuck lady watch it” she just looks up and says “oops” like all she’d done was spill a little salt or something
What gets me the most is that she had the kid on the side that the traffic was coming from so I had visions of running over a little kid, very sobering I can tell you
I like to go fast and I take some risk but its always when its appropriate, out on the motorway or highway, up the secondary roads out kin the countryside etc, I don’t go fast around town or near schools etc, but it just shows that you can be as careful as possible and someone else isn’t paying attention
I also would like to say “much ‘preciated” to the nice policeman who clocked me @ 124 today and wagged his finger to say “slow down when I’m here”
A fine example of thoughtful policing, he could see I was just having a little fun on a sunny afternoon and not riding at 230-240 like the machine is more than capable of, that came later when there was far less traffic and I was on the back road between Matarua and Clinton 44kms in 45 minutes [nice]
There was a bit of grit around and some road works but the top end speeds on the straights and the sweeping corners kept the average of 1 km per minute up with cruising being between 160 and 200 with bursts as high as 230-240, but also some gritty corners etc @ only 70-80
I can’t wait until the roads are clear and we’re back into summer so theres no more worry of grit on the road and black ice in the shadows
Danger Stock on Road

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Still buzzing on the new ride

Posted by stocky on 15th July 2010

Dropped into the bike shop today and picked up my machine for the weekend
The reason it was in the shop is that there is only 12 in NZ and only 1 in the South Island as far as the dealers know, so they asked if I could let them display mine in the shop window
They’ve been doing it for the last two weeks
Its of benefit to me because the shop front window is warmer and drier than my garage at this time of year here in the deep south and also that the dealer will give me a cut rate on my services so its good for me in that respect so far I’ve serviced it twice in 11 weeks so thats good for him
This model is a whole new concept for Kawasaki and has been getting good reviews in independent tests carried out so far with the only negative comments being this like the digital dash board can be hard to read or being a little squirley under heavy breaking which I find I agree with
The fuel tank could have been a few liters bigger too, it has 15.5 when 18 would be better as above 160 it humps up the fuel like a big block V-8 and it loves to be around 160 and above
The guys where I got this bike are the same as were servicing the Moto Guzzi and have been a big help with bits I’ve wanted fitted or removed
I’ve also got a hold of a DVD called “Twist of the wrist” by a guy Kieth Code who runs the Californian Super bike school it has been a huge help to me in adapting to this style of riding. It has opened my eyes to a lot of things that I’ve been doing wrong for years and not known it
If anyone reading this would like help with the riding of these machines and all bikes in general GOOGLE Californian super bike school or Twist of the wrist or Kieth code
It realy has change my riding experience for the better my cornering is smoother and faster, crossing rough patches or pot holes is now a non issue where before it could be a panic situation
I fight the machine a lot less now and more have it working “for me”
This bike having the genuine race frame helps heaps too thanks to the engineers at Kawasaki
I’ve not really come up with a pet name for it yet so far I’m calling it “Kawasaki san” which is male i think so its a bit strange as machinery tends to be related to in the female ie her, she, sweety, baby, honey, when running right and cow, bitch, whore etc etc when playing up
I’ve found that the newer the machine the less cursing you tend to have to do
I’m going to pimp this ride out with slash cut pipes and neon blue strip lights under the bikini ferrings and rear tail, I’m going to remove the rear foot pegs and put a cowling over the pillion seat making it a single seater and even more unique

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New Bike

Posted by stocky on 15th July 2010

Well it’s been a long time between blog’s
I’ve had a lot happen, I sold the moto guzzi and got a 2010 model Kawasaki Z1000
Freaking amazing machine I’ve been like a school boy with his first girl friend I can’t leave her alone I’ve had her 12 weeks and have clocked 10,000 km’s already and its winter
The moto guzzi was in for a service and chris the mechanic said that since it had 28thou on the clock I should consider tradeing it or keeping it for a long time as from this point on its seriously going down in re-sale value
I said I would consider it
The next day he calls and says there’s a guy looking at her and offering good money
Long story short I’m now on the Kawasaki
She’s one of only 12 in NZ at the moment and the only one of this model in the south island the next shipment of new bikes is in August September so trhat may change as this machine has set the bike world buzzing about how Kawasaki have taken a racing bike frame and de-tuned the engine to be more user friendly
Of course my mate Brendon who had the Suzuki not to be out done traded his old 1100 for a 2009 Kawasaki ZK 1000R the machine that mine is based on haha its a pissing comp
So I’m going to try and upload some pic’s but no promises as to the result

so there they are from the arrival in the crate as they say to out and about
The original rear fender has been removed to enhance the “super naked” look, I’ll be taking the look to the extreme by removeing the rear passenger foot rests and the mufflers in favor of a set of 300mm long slash cut pipes, but that will be as the budget allows
She cruises well @ 160 and I’ve cracked 225, the factory spec’s say 270, it’s 130 horse power @ the back wheel and has amazing mid range acceleration, I’m going through a set of tires every 4,000km at the mo but that will stretch out as i get more fluent with the machine at the moment it’s all crank it on everywhere
So Yahooooo
Danger Stock [even faster] on Road

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Getting old

Posted by stocky on 29th January 2010

Its been awhile since my last entry
The Xmas period is finaly over and things are about to return to normal with the start of next week marking the beginning of the school year
Not that i have school aged kids or anything
I’ve had a good few weeks
The weather has somewhat co-operated and I’ve put heaps of km’s under my machine
Last sunday I went up to Lawrence and had lunch with some friends @ the coffee mine [sea food chowder of course] then I rode 50km further inland to Raes Junction, from Raes’ down through Tapanui to Gore, then from Gore to Invercargil, from Invers’ to Balclutha [up the Catlins road of course] then home to Dunedin
It was totaly awesome with high winds being the annoying factor the whole way
It took the best part of 7 hours on the road not counting stops for gas, food, smokes etc
I found out over the new year period that the nice policeman can track me on his speed radar,
Got issued a ticket for 19kms over the speed limit on a stretch of highway called the Haast pass on the other side [west coast] of the south island
what can I say “bugger” I was in the wrong he got me “bugger”
Thats all I have on that subject
Still I’ve not allowed it to put a dampner on my rideing
I’m going high tech and getting a radar detector for my bike [haha]
I had to bite the bullet last week and fit a new back tyre
The trouble with the high kms is you wear out the rubber
This time I’ve opted for another Perreli, but not the strada “Diablo” I’ve fitted a strada “Angel”, this tyre is a good dry road tyre but comes into its own on wet roads and I figure with winter approaching I’m going to be encountering wet roads more often
So $400.oo later I’ve got a new rear tyre
I’ve kept the front as it was because theres still heaps of tread depth
So its a Devil on the rear and an Angel on the front, man I like these Perreli tyres they suit my riding style
Today I must have needed to re-charge my battery as I went for a visit to a mates place had a coffee but couldnt get interested in the day so i came home and snuck in a power nap on the couch while watching the NZ golf open on the tube with me Dad
Dad has been a bit crook lately he caught a tickle in the throat that has turned into a hacking cough that he can’t seem to shake off.
Its been annoying him for coming up 4 weeks now with having gone through three different courses of antibiotic meds from the Doc
He hates being sick so he’s not a happy camper at the moment
My Dad has never been prone to colds or flu’s
when he retired the company he’d worked for owed him nearly a years pay in accumlated sick leaves that over the years he’d worked he’d never used
His work effort has filtered down to me and same as he, I hardly ever have a day away from work because of illness
I’m also ADHD
‘cept in my day it was called “disruptive in class” ” has trouble concentrating”
The dumb ass teachers never co-related their comments to the fact I was a B+ grade average at the same time as being disruptive and lacking concentration
Of course in the old days [sic] the teachers were not trained to look for the indicators of a bright kid trapped in a class that seems slow and pointless
It was all face the front and do exactly what you’re told and don’t dare think outside the square
and of course all performed under the threat of and or actual violence, strapping for the young kids and as the years progressed, caneing for the older school pupils
I’m not saying I was a genius or any thing of that calibre I test above 120 in IQ tests so I’m not a brain box nor average sorta in the gray area ‘between
Inteligent enough to question but not so smart as to understand all the answers haha
I’m away up to Timaru for the NZ super bike meeting in the morning should the weather and my plans co-operate
I know it would be a good time to test the new “wet” tyre if it were raining but I hate starting out in the rain ‘less of course I know its a front moving up the Island [down here nearly all our weather goes from south to north]
If I get caught out in it what the hell, grit your teeth and get on with it, but to deliberately set out in it knowing it will be all day is madness when you have a perfectly good car you can use, I know I’ve grown soft but what fuck I’m 50 I’m allowed to mellow, its expected of me
Damn, just clicked I turned 51 last week “fuck” it catches up with you
getting old suks
Thats why I went up to the Coffee Mine last weekend, to have a birthday lunch with some mates who have their birthdays around the same time [it gets clearer now haha]
Danger [OLD] Stock on Road

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Posted by stocky on 29th December 2009

Today was fantastic
The weather was sunny and in the 20’s temperature wise
I took highway 87 through Middlemarch from Outram and onto Ranfurly then from Ranfurly to Alexandra then back towards the coast to Beaumont, I dropped down the river road from Beaumont to Balclutha and back home
I left home at 10 ish and was back by 4 this afternoon
There was a bit of traffic on the road but nothing too heavy
It was a great ride with no close calls or mishaps, only saw the “nice policeman” twice and only over the speed limit on both occasions [haha]
I’m starting to think that they must have trouble getting a “lock” on my machine as it presents a very small target
Either that or I’m the luckiest S.O.B out there
Both times today I was doing 125-130ish when I spotted the “nice chap” coming towards me
They must see the machine “dip” as I back off to the limit its got me baffled
Still dont get me wrong I’m not complaining none, I’m just a little curious as to my luck in not getting ticketed
Maybe they figure by the time the turn around I’ll be long gone,
cant say that I would do a dash though as tempting as it maybe, thats when you’ll make a mistake because you’re under pressure and at those speeds a mistake will litteraly cost you your life
BUT even worse than that it damages your machine and that is absolute sacriledge
The roads I traveled today would suit Brendons 1100 Suzuki than the Catlins run the other day as the corners were longer and more high speed with good long striaghts between them
He didnt get to come today as he had work I’ll tease him about the ride tomorrow [haha]
I’d say he will be cracking it in the next week or so
If I get the chance I’ll go around it with him but I dare say I’ll be trailing this time as the road conditions are so good for his style of machine for him not to be sitting above 180-200kmph so Ill get to watch him disapear and catch up at the next gas station [haha]
I could keep up untill about 200ish but thats my machine peaking and I dont like to do that to her too often or for too long so I usualy ease off around the 160-180 if doing a burst overtaking but usualy cruise around the 130-150 range
Lotsa fun but nothing too radical
Another fantastic day out on my ride just enjoying being alive
Danger Stock on Road

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Catlins Run

Posted by stocky on 27th December 2009

Took a blast down through the Catlins yesterday with my mate on his GSX R Suzuki 1100
I got to lead as the [unwritten rule is slower bike leads]
My machine peaks out at around 200kmph but his being a “super bike” dont peak untill around 270kmph
It was a great run with dry roads the whole way
We stopped for “brunch” at Balclutha on the way down and again for afternoon “smoko” at Mataura, so plus gas stops that added a hour and a half to the journey
We covered a bit more than 450kms in about 6 hours actual riding
It was exhauting but fun
A lot of people dont realise how fit you have to be to do this sort of endurance event, by the time we were 5hrs into it I was knackered
The trouble with being tired while riding is that its as bad as being drunk
Your reaction times slow down and your thoughts get a little fuzzy, so you may think you have time to overtake a vehicle when its a lot tighter than you realise or you come up behind a vehicle at 140ish but dont realise that the car in front of you is actualy going a lot less than the 100kmph limit for whatever reason
Case in point yesterday was a woman who must have been sight seeing or may be just not been driving for long [new licensee] I came up behind her at 160ish and was almost in her back hatch before I “clicked” she was doing 60kmph tops [yet another “Pucker” to iron out of the seat haha]
You cant blame the tourist as she is driving to her capabilities
I’m the one at fault for being 60kms over the set limit
Still no harm done and from experience the pucker comes out of the leather
It was a great day even though I ended it as stiff and sore as a school boy on viagra, Im getting too old for the all day hauls haha
Today is looking good so I’ll be out on my beasty again I’ve got a little bit of running around to do and I also have to quickly drop into work to see if anything that needs immediate attention has been brought into the yard
The Xmas break is going good sofar
Danger [more] Stock on Road Yahoooooooooo

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