New Bike
Posted by stocky on July 15, 2010
Well it’s been a long time between blog’s
I’ve had a lot happen, I sold the moto guzzi and got a 2010 model Kawasaki Z1000
Freaking amazing machine I’ve been like a school boy with his first girl friend I can’t leave her alone I’ve had her 12 weeks and have clocked 10,000 km’s already and its winter
The moto guzzi was in for a service and chris the mechanic said that since it had 28thou on the clock I should consider tradeing it or keeping it for a long time as from this point on its seriously going down in re-sale value
I said I would consider it
The next day he calls and says there’s a guy looking at her and offering good money
Long story short I’m now on the Kawasaki
She’s one of only 12 in NZ at the moment and the only one of this model in the south island the next shipment of new bikes is in August September so trhat may change as this machine has set the bike world buzzing about how Kawasaki have taken a racing bike frame and de-tuned the engine to be more user friendly
Of course my mate Brendon who had the Suzuki not to be out done traded his old 1100 for a 2009 Kawasaki ZK 1000R the machine that mine is based on haha its a pissing comp
So I’m going to try and upload some pic’s but no promises as to the result
The original rear fender has been removed to enhance the “super naked” look, I’ll be taking the look to the extreme by removeing the rear passenger foot rests and the mufflers in favor of a set of 300mm long slash cut pipes, but that will be as the budget allows
She cruises well @ 160 and I’ve cracked 225, the factory spec’s say 270, it’s 130 horse power @ the back wheel and has amazing mid range acceleration, I’m going through a set of tires every 4,000km at the mo but that will stretch out as i get more fluent with the machine at the moment it’s all crank it on everywhere
So Yahooooo
Danger Stock [even faster] on Road