Getting old
Posted by stocky on January 29, 2010
Its been awhile since my last entry
The Xmas period is finaly over and things are about to return to normal with the start of next week marking the beginning of the school year
Not that i have school aged kids or anything
I’ve had a good few weeks
The weather has somewhat co-operated and I’ve put heaps of km’s under my machine
Last sunday I went up to Lawrence and had lunch with some friends @ the coffee mine [sea food chowder of course] then I rode 50km further inland to Raes Junction, from Raes’ down through Tapanui to Gore, then from Gore to Invercargil, from Invers’ to Balclutha [up the Catlins road of course] then home to Dunedin
It was totaly awesome with high winds being the annoying factor the whole way
It took the best part of 7 hours on the road not counting stops for gas, food, smokes etc
I found out over the new year period that the nice policeman can track me on his speed radar,
Got issued a ticket for 19kms over the speed limit on a stretch of highway called the Haast pass on the other side [west coast] of the south island
what can I say “bugger” I was in the wrong he got me “bugger”
Thats all I have on that subject
Still I’ve not allowed it to put a dampner on my rideing
I’m going high tech and getting a radar detector for my bike [haha]
I had to bite the bullet last week and fit a new back tyre
The trouble with the high kms is you wear out the rubber
This time I’ve opted for another Perreli, but not the strada “Diablo” I’ve fitted a strada “Angel”, this tyre is a good dry road tyre but comes into its own on wet roads and I figure with winter approaching I’m going to be encountering wet roads more often
So $400.oo later I’ve got a new rear tyre
I’ve kept the front as it was because theres still heaps of tread depth
So its a Devil on the rear and an Angel on the front, man I like these Perreli tyres they suit my riding style
Today I must have needed to re-charge my battery as I went for a visit to a mates place had a coffee but couldnt get interested in the day so i came home and snuck in a power nap on the couch while watching the NZ golf open on the tube with me Dad
Dad has been a bit crook lately he caught a tickle in the throat that has turned into a hacking cough that he can’t seem to shake off.
Its been annoying him for coming up 4 weeks now with having gone through three different courses of antibiotic meds from the Doc
He hates being sick so he’s not a happy camper at the moment
My Dad has never been prone to colds or flu’s
when he retired the company he’d worked for owed him nearly a years pay in accumlated sick leaves that over the years he’d worked he’d never used
His work effort has filtered down to me and same as he, I hardly ever have a day away from work because of illness
I’m also ADHD
‘cept in my day it was called “disruptive in class” ” has trouble concentrating”
The dumb ass teachers never co-related their comments to the fact I was a B+ grade average at the same time as being disruptive and lacking concentration
Of course in the old days [sic] the teachers were not trained to look for the indicators of a bright kid trapped in a class that seems slow and pointless
It was all face the front and do exactly what you’re told and don’t dare think outside the square
and of course all performed under the threat of and or actual violence, strapping for the young kids and as the years progressed, caneing for the older school pupils
I’m not saying I was a genius or any thing of that calibre I test above 120 in IQ tests so I’m not a brain box nor average sorta in the gray area ‘between
Inteligent enough to question but not so smart as to understand all the answers haha
I’m away up to Timaru for the NZ super bike meeting in the morning should the weather and my plans co-operate
I know it would be a good time to test the new “wet” tyre if it were raining but I hate starting out in the rain ‘less of course I know its a front moving up the Island [down here nearly all our weather goes from south to north]
If I get caught out in it what the hell, grit your teeth and get on with it, but to deliberately set out in it knowing it will be all day is madness when you have a perfectly good car you can use, I know I’ve grown soft but what fuck I’m 50 I’m allowed to mellow, its expected of me
Damn, just clicked I turned 51 last week “fuck” it catches up with you
getting old suks
Thats why I went up to the Coffee Mine last weekend, to have a birthday lunch with some mates who have their birthdays around the same time [it gets clearer now haha]
Danger [OLD] Stock on Road