Sunshine and lolipops
Posted by stocky on February 24, 2009
Well the University students had a Toga party that turned into a mini riot last nite with quite a lot of sensless damage done to innocent peoples property
This sort of thing happeans here each year with the orientation parties that are set up to welcome new students to the campus
thats all good, What gets to me is how little is done to control or stop it
if even a small nimber of guys show up some where on motor bikes to have a party or what ever the cops do thier level best to shut the party down
But its ok for 2,000 students to run amok for half the night smashing bottles and peoples property [car and shop windows] up ending rubbish tins trough a five kilometer stretch of the city with only 8 people arrested for “Minor” breaches of the law how PATHETIC
Again an example of the double standards that society puts on people
These students are to be the future doctors and lawyers etc of our country this is a fine way to start an illustriuos carrer in say LAW helping uphold peace and civil order in our court system
What a CROCK
I hope that the poor old street cleaners got given a bonus in reckognition of the extra work they had to do before in order to clean up town before the two cruise liners that are due in port today discharged a couple of thousand tourists into our town
All apart of living in a city where the university is the main source of revenue
The good news to come is that the weather is improving and my Motto Beasty is looking forward to be taken out and spanked up around the windy hill roads that surround my town