Great winter weather [so far]
Posted by stocky on July 20, 2011
The weather has only just started to get real cold and we have had snow onto low lying areas in Southland and up Central Otago in the last couple of weeks
So its not that much fun on the bike [a] it’s a lot colder and [b] they’ve started gritting the roads for ice
I’ve combated the cold by having hand warmer grips fitted, they’re from a company called Oxford and have 4 heat settings so thats been a big help and also Tracey got me onto a thing called a cozee it’s a liquid filled “sack” with a internal heating element that you plug into the power and heat for 15-20mins then you remove the power cord and slip the “sack” into a pocket in a strap the fits around your tummy and does up with a Velcro strip, the liquid stays hot for 3-4 hours it’s freaking awesome
However the grit is a different situation, it takes the fun outta the game as you’re restricted to either riding on the grit if its still icy which can be exciting but chips the hell outta your paint work and exhaust header pipes or ride in the 600mm wide strip left by the tires of the traffic ahead of you requiring more concentration etc so it becomes a chore not “fun”
On the work side the brilliant weather [so far] has meant we are well ahead of servicing this years fleet. We now have 75 more containers to go through since they were added to the fleet of 115 that we were already servicing
At the moment milk powder production is having it’s seasonal break so we have to examine every unit in the fleet and get them ready for the next seasons work in a couple of months
Down side is we killed the water blaster today so I’m looking around for a replacement so far it’s looking like somewhere around the 2k mark, thats this months profit sucked up and possibly next months too, thank you Credit Union South for the over draft [“love you longtime hard”]
The Credit Union has been very good to with helping me to bridge funding short falls until my next check arrives and last month we set up a $4k a month for the next 12 months overdraft facility for just this sort of thing
The branch here in Dunedin is like walking into “Cheers” everybody knows your name , it makes you feel not only welcome but also important
So life is great I’m still riding as much as possible and now have 38,000 kms on the clock