Posted by stocky on April 21, 2011
I’ve been a little blog shy I know but I’ve been flat out
Big news is I’m walking
Long story short the demerits on the ol’ license reached the 100 mark and my license is suspended for three months
I know what you’re thinking caught speeding haha but NO it was the modified number plate
I in my ignorance believed it to be just a fine and because the ticket it self has no mention of the demerits I incurred two 25 demerit tickets in a month and had 60 still sitting from when I was riding the “Moto Beastie”
I’m yet to be caught speeding on the Kawasaki
I’ve got 4 weeks to go on the 3 month suspension period
I’ve been a good boy and not driven nor taken the bike for a ride
I”ve been walking to and from work each day 3 and a bit kms each way but nearly all flat road only a couple of gentle rises.
Its been murder on my ankle and knee joints, at different stages I’ve had fractures to both ankles my right lower leg and damage to my right knee all on different occasions [what can I say I was an ADHD kid back in the day’s when it was called disruptive in class]
I’d do extreme shit like jumping off the garage roof etc, but in my defense I wasn’t the only kid doing extreme play and a bunch of us [including my younger brother] would “egg” each other on
Then of course later in life the odd “rider error” has hurt
So anyway the walking is hurting the joints but has been good for my weight and breathing [getting old SUCKS]
So up till the start of the suspension in February I had put a little over 31,000kms on the Kawasaki
I’m in love with this bike, its like the buzz of a new girl friend but lasts longer than six weeks
Talk about perform, this machine is a freak, all other machines I’ve had I’ve “tricked” up to get more performance in either the handling or the speed
All I’ve done to the Kawasaki is change her looks to “personalize” her, put gas in the tank and tires
I’ve cracked 270kmph twice and 240-50ish several times but find I enjoy cruising around the 160 mark with bursts to 190ish
The longest run so far was from the top of Takaka hill [nelson bays area] to home here in Dunedin 11 1 and a half hours in one go. I was screaming in pain by the end but no-one hears so thats cool :0
I’ve had a few small “incidents” of the usual motorcycling variety a couple of front end drifts in the wet as well as a couple in the dry had the back tire lose traction @ 140ish in the rain after skipping over a set of rail tracks etc, this machine is so well set up and with the new things I learned from the “twist of the wrist” Kieth Codes how to ride your superbike instructional DVD I’ve taken it all in my stride and no stains in the undies
Having been riding nearly all my life then watching the DVD to be shown my mistakes was a real eye opener, also realizing most of my mates are making the same errors was also enlightening, as that was how I learned to ride by following what I was seeing other people doing only to inherit their bad habits
Who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks the old dog’s just gotta want to learn
On the work front I have picked up the contract to service the sale/lease fleet of decommissioned shipping containers for an national supplier
They had a dedicated yard with 3 employees here in town but found it wasn’t economical for the return they were getting so they down sized and now lease a part of the Container transfer yard where I have my work area
My business was recommended to them by my present contract, so the agreement is as long as I keep the 3 day turn round going on my usual work then I can have the space required to carry out the work and access to the forklifts etc
I’m hoping that it will put me in a position to employ another guy part time and give me up to 30 hours a week that I can invoice personally
this way I can put everything I earn back into the business plus whatever I can after overheads come out for the guys
I’m hoping this will put the business into the 100k per annum turn over, sounds good I know but take out 15k for gst 70k for wages taxes ACC and other overheads leaves not a lot but it’s a living We’ve not made a profit in 2 years due to the cut backs from the “recession” but work is picking up again and the fingers are crossed this will be a good year
On the family front my Dad is doing really well, the mans a legend, get this we found a little soft rot in the rear veranda so we’re of to the hardware place buying wood etc he borrows my “porta power” jack from work and in three days while I’m away at work he rips up half of the flooring and replaces it, up and down under the house on small ladders swearing and cursing etc I said wait for the weekend mate I’ll give you a hand but he’s like “you’ll only get in the way son” if there’s any lifting I’ll let you know
Now consider that he’s 80 years old, he’s a freaking legend
I hope that I’m as active as he is should I get that far
That “cataclysms” are all good Ginga has been fighting with some up and coming younger cats in the ‘hood he’s gotta be 8yrs old if he’s a day time to give it away I reckon, he’s limping a bit but nothing serious
Scaredy cat is getting to be less nervous and will now approach Tracey and Brendon when they come around its only taken a year, but anyone new and shes “gone baby gone” more acceleration than my bike
Fuzz bucket is every bodies friend especially if you pick up his hair brush and offer to brush him
Cheeky is her usual self but has picked up an annoying habit of clawing at the wall paper beside the door when she wants out, its like thanks for the hint but patting on the door doesn’t shred the wall paper “B-arch”
We had a distant cousin from Ireland stay over for a few days on his travels, he had been in South America and was on his way back home to Ireland with NZ as a stop over and last I heard he was also going to stop for a week in Thailand
He has a degree in marine biology and was saving green back turtles on an island up near Venezuela now he is doing a work for food and accommodation thing on our west coast just traveling around the world getting life experience what abuzz
It was good to have another Irish brogue in the house, with Dad being Irish I’ve grown up with it
Well that was my summer , I’m hanging to get back on the ride even though by then it’ll be winter, so I’ll have to pick the days
Life is Great
Every day above ground is a good one
Danger Stock [almost back] on Road