Swedish hitch hikers and road rage
Posted by stocky on March 16, 2009
So I got to the Wild Food festival in hokitika
I chickened out and took the car because I had to be back home for work on Sunday morning and the weather loooked “iffy”
that way when I get real tired i can stop and sleep in the car, If I took the bike i wouldve stayed over night at a mates place
It was a good day I left home @ 3am and got into Hoki’ at 10, i stopped and snoozed for a hour on the way in a layby
Its hard work driving those hours straight through you’ve got to have regular stops where you get out of the car and have a stretch and breathe the fresh air
The scenery as usual was pretty amazing
On the way back home i picked up two Swedish chicks who were hitching outta Haast, Turns out they were to take the bus but slept in due to the see you later party from the night before haha
They’re loving NZ having started up north in Raglan and moved their way down the north then over to Nelson and on to the coast
They were way friendly and said how open and welcoming they had found us KIWI’s to be which was a buzz to hear
It’s good to know people not only admire the country they admire the people in the country
they both spoke very good english but also spoke to each other in their native Swedish
I dont know ’bout you other guys but European chicks sound SOOOO sexy when they talk, its that guttural throaty almost husky voice that just sends shivers up the back of your neck
WOOF WOOF!!!!!!!!!
So I dropped them off in Wanaka with a promise that they would call me when they get to Dunedin so I can show them around my town
Being seen with them will do my image heaps, and as I’ve said before “IMAGE IS EVERYTHING”
Then after work on Sunday I [stupidly] embarrassed myself by getting involved in a “road rage’ situation with some young hard arse bastard in a car while out on the motto beasty with my best mate on the back
I’m too old for that shit
I can only put it down to that I’m trying to lower the levels of pain killers that I take each day and must be stressing with the withdrawls
The situation was instigated by me yelling abuse at a car in front of me when they failed to move off at the green light signal
and when they did a young prick on the passengers side lent out the window yelling abuse back and fl;ipping me “the bone”
That was it I saw RED+++++++++
Totaly lost the plot, charged up the outside of the car kicking the wing mirror off on the way past and then continued the situation by getting off my bike at the next intersection and asking him “what the fuck was his problem”??????
HAHA I was the problem having instigated the situation in the first place
So as I said I’m a bit embarrassed over the whole incident, and possibly very lucky the youg bugger didnt give me a kicking for my troubles
I’m sure he would’ve been hard work being that I’m cracking 50 and unfit when he is 20 and very angry with youthfull energy on his side
And having trained in martial arts for several years I know how fit you have to be to fight for any period of time past two or three punches
Which brings me to why I’m so embarrassed about the incident
I trained in classical “long fist” KUNG FU for several years in my early to mid twentys
I can DEFEND myself efficiantly [usualy]
But with all my training and discepline I lost the plot and “STARTED” a fight [not that it came to anything more than a little shoving]
I KNOW BETTER than to be going around being a dickhead and yet here i was being a DICK in the first degree
So I apologize world I’ll try to be more controlled in the future
I’ve got plenty of work on at the moment so when I got home today I was knackered, having only had a day off and in that day pulling 1300kms plus the food festival etc
I didnt go for a ride tonight as I dropped off to sleep after tea while watching the 6 ‘clock news, waking up at 830 feeling like shit as my neck was all crimped over at a bad angle as happens when you go to sleep sitting up
So I’ve done some invoiceing and watched a little TV
the garden Tiger training is comeing along well and scaredy cat is getting bolder as the days go by
life is good with sunshine predicted for the weather tommorrow, and we all know what that means
STOCK on ROAD Yahooooooooo