OUCH man that hurts !!!!!!!
Posted by stocky on March 11, 2009
The PAIN is excruciating
Two days ago I aggravated an old neck/ shoulder injury that I’ve been carrying for 15 odd yrs
Not fun I can tell ya
The original injury was the classic “superman” face plant, while I was working on a deep sea trawler I’ve suffered with pain and restricted movement since
What the hell I’m lucky to be walking so even when the pain realy starts to get me I try to remind myself that at least I can “FEEL”
So thats everyday that I’m in pain from the original injury then like the other day I do something that aggravates it back to as painfull as the day that It first happened
Its nerve pain so it feels like you are being stabbed with a hot knife and no matter what you do you cannot get away from it
Of course the doctors have had me on pain killers since the accident but no matter how good the effect I’m still in pain so instead of “upping” the dosage levels I just take a regular small amount of the perscribed pain killers
The doctors originaly kept increasing the dosages but the drugs but I just got all fucked up and couldnt get life done
I’ve learnt to reduce the dose and be able to funtion and have a job and a life like normal people instead of being drugged up and useless
I’ve found that smokeing pot helps a lot, it’s one of the best things I’ve found to stop the “NAG” of the pain
It’s not like the Codiene the Doc’s have me on in that it masks the pain by “dulling” your sences it seems to just allow you to think of other things rather that focusing on the pain
Don’t ask me how it happens I just call it as I see it
Its not like you have a “toke” and magicaly the pain is no longer there, It’s more like the pain is no longer important
You know its there, you can however “compartmentalise it” and lock it away while you concentrate on more important things such as getting along with your life
Pot also helps intensify sensations, so it helps intensify the effect of the Codiene that the doctors say I will have to take for the rest of my life
But on days like today when the injury has been aggravated, “NOTHING” helps
Ive had twice my normal codiene prescribed dosage and I’m onto my fifth “cone” and not a spit of relief
It didn’t help that I’ve still got three nore days of heavy lifting to complete the job we are doing at work that aggravated the injury in the first place
My employee is doing all the work he can on his own but theres a couple of stages in the job where we both have to be into the heavy lift
I have a small business repairing Transport “Curtains”, used to enable access to the load deck from the side of the vehicle, commonly known as “Curtain siders”
They get damage during the loading/ unlaoding process and or if the load shifts, also they wear out through use
So I’m in a “Niche” industry
Ive been very lucky in that I have a real good employee, He’s steady and reliable, the two most important things you can have in a worker
He’s also a good young bugger, good humour and easy to get along with so that also helps and as it’s only the two of us we have to be able to get along in order to get the job done
It’s not like in a factory or office or a work gang where if you dont like someone you just avoid them and keep the peace with the small team you got no choice but to see each other so it’s important that you each like the other guy
Dont get me wrong I’m the boss when we are at work we “Work” I have to make the business operate, so i call the shots and expect my “pound of flesh”
And I work HARD thats how I’ve managed to get where I am today, and have had the oppurtunities to do the exciting things I’ve managed to put into my life like motor cycles, cars and traveling ’round the planet to Europe, Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Ozzie etc
So I’m a hard task master but I give full credit for good effort and the best wages my business can afford
And I give as many perks and bonuses that I can fit in
I’ve worked for some total arses in my working life so when I set up my own business I was determined not to be an arsehole of a boss
But as I say it has to go both ways, you slack around or dont do your work to my high standards then Im just an “ARSEHOLE SURROUNDED BY A MAN” haha
I call it as I see it and I dont care if I hurt your feelings
IF it is what it is, Then it IS what it IS
I’m doing “paper work” at the moment thats our work code for I’m hurting so I’m at home sorting the office or whatever light duties that I can find to sort out
It’s bit “Tounge in cheek” ’cause usualy it means I’m off site having a toke
I’ll head back into the yard in a minute and give me mate a hand to clean up and finish his day a little early to show I appreciate his taking the load