Yeah Baby!!!
Posted by stocky on March 4, 2009
You guesssed it
the sun is out the roads are dry and I’m that guy on the red beast passing everything in sight
When i got home from work I could hear her calling from the garage [The car lives on the street you know how it goes, she dont like it but as I’ve often said “it’s like having a fat missus and a skinny girl friend”, you always treat the skinny girl better]
Anyway I could hear “take me out and ride me stocky”
I’d been thinking of it since I got up this morning and saw that it was a sunny day
See? thats why I say it’s an addiction, you get up in the morning and the first thing you want to know is the road conditions, like a surfer hopeing for a off shore breeze with a 8 ft curl, like a runner looking for that endorphine rush of the secound wind, like the Bee to the flower, like the seagull to the chip, like the solo Mum to the pokie machine, Like the teenager to shortland street, like the grand mother to “Coro”, like the junkie to the poppy, like…. [you know what I mean I’m running outta examples]… it’s an addiction
So heres a thought if it’s an addiction, then in a way it’s an “illness”
Therefor when i’m out on the bike and I’m speeding I’m doing so because I’m addicted I’m sick I can’t “not do it”
So surely then I shouldn’t be given speeding tickets because of diminished responcibility , all you other “addicted” riders will know exactly what I mean, those of you who do not ride, I’m sorry to say you will never know
However I’m sure should you have another type of addiction in your life you can empathize with my situation
“It’s not my fault …Ican’t help it…..I’m SICK
Like to night taking her for a squirt up the coast to shag point, I’m trying to keep it at 100-110 honest, I’m trying but the problem is that the faster you go the smoother the ride becomes and because [as I’ve explained] cornering is power turned into friction you [sometimes] have to be powering on through the corners so 110 slips up to 120-130, then some how that turns into 140-160,
Don’t ask me how it happens it just does , one minute your doing 130 then you look down and it’s 160 and you panic and start freaking out at every car incase it’s a “nice policeman”, which of course creates stress
Stress on top of an addiction [you can see where I’m going with this] surely this breaches the bill of rights section on the right to travel freely and without “IMPEADMENT” or the section about undue punishment [HAHA]
seriously though folks, it realy is an addiction
I know how it happened, and was instant
the first bike ride I had was as a pillion, I was about 12 or 13, it was a BSA 650 lightning
that’s was it I was hooked from that moment
I’d always like the look and sound of bikes so getting hooked was probly predetermined [life leads you where you need to go]
so we’ve established that I’m an addict, that means I’m sick therefore I should be given a dispensation when caught over the speed limit
In the mean time i’ll keep going hard and stressin’
BEWARE STOCK ON ROAD [yahooooo!!!!]